International Workshop on Recent Advances in Time Series Analysis: 9-12 June 2004 

This workshop will be held in Protaras, Cyprus, 9-12 June 2004.

The aim of this four day workshop is to bring together a number of experts in time series analysis with young researchers in the field. The meeting is organised around four tutorial short courses and six sessions with invited speakers, experts in the fields of non-linear time series (organised by D Tjostheim), time series and finance (organised by T Mikosch), statistical inference for time series (organised by M Neumann), non-stationary time series (organised by G Nason), multivariate time series (organised by M Deistler) and applications of time series analysis (organised by D Stoffer). The tutorial short courses will be given by Rainer Dahlhaus (graphical models for time series), Richard Davis (state-space models in time series), Dimitris Politis (resampling methods for time series) and Qiwei Yao (volatility estimation via ARCH/GARCH models and beyond). A special invited seminar will also be given by Nobel-prize winner Clive Granger ("Time Series Analysis in the Near Future").

To give a good number (around 25) of young researchers the possibility to present their work during various poster sessions (there will be no contributed talks), we have managed to keep the costs comparatively low. Registration, accommodation (five nights) and half board in a nicely situated sea-shore hotel will cost EUR 150 (upon early registration by 31 March 2004) or EUR 200 (registering up to 31 May 2004).

Further information, including about registration, can soon be found on the website .

For inquiries, please contact Theofanis Sapatinas ( ).

The Organising Committee comprises Kostantinos Fokianos, Efstathios Paparoditis, Theofanis Sapatinas and Rainer von Sachs.

Distribution Theory, Order Statistics and Inference: a Conference in Honour of Barry C. Arnold: 16-18 June 2004 

This International Conference is being organised to celebrate the occasion of Professor Barry C Arnold turning 65. It will be held in Santander, Spain, 16-18 June 2004. The areas of order statistics, distribution theory and inference, in which Barry Arnold has made fundamental and pioneering contributions, will be the primary areas of focus at this conference. For further details, please contact N Balakrishnan ( ), Enrique Castillo ( ), or Jose-Maria Sarabia ( ).

Workshop on Statistics in Functional Genomics: 27 June - 2 July 2004

This conference will be held in Ascona, Switzerland, 27 June - 2 July 2004.

Functional genomics is concerned with assigning biological function to DNA sequences. Innovative approaches, such as the cDNA and oligonucleotide microarray technologies, have been developed to yield information about gene expression levels for entire genomes. Analysis of large, complex data sets resulting from biological experiments has generated many research problems in modern statistics.

Invited speakers are Philip Brown (Kent), Sandrine Dudoit (Berkeley), Robert Gentleman (Harvard), Othmar Pfannes (GeneData), Sylvia Richardson (Imperial), Terry Speed (Berkeley), Martin Vingron (Max Planck Institute) and Anja Wille (ETH Zurich).

The conference website can be found at , or, for more information, contact Christina Künzli ( ) at

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Celebrating Statistics: International Conference in Honour of Sir David Cox on the Occasion of his 80th Birthday: 14-18 July 2004

This conference will be held in Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 14-18 July 2004, and is being organised by Anthony Davison (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology), Yadolah Dodge (Neuchâtel) and Nanny Wermuth (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz).

Speakers include O Barndorff-Nielsen (Aarhus), S Darby (Oxford), D Firth (Oxford), P Hall (Canberra), V Isham (University College, London), P McCullagh (Chicago), N Reid (Toronto), I Rodríguez-Iturbe (Princeton), A Rotnitzky (Harvard), N Shephard (Oxford), N Wermuth (Mainz) and S Zeger (Johns Hopkins).

Those wishing to present papers are asked to submit an abstract in English (limited to one typed page) to the conference organisers, no later than 30 September 2003.

For further details, contact Yadolah Dodge at or see website .

2004 Stochastic Networks Conference: 19-24 July 2004

This conference will be held in Montréal, Canada, 19-24 July 2004. For details see .

6th International Chinese Statistical Association Conference: 21-23 July 2004

The Sixth ICSA International Conference will be held at the National University of Singapore, Singapore, 21-23 July 2004. See for details. 

Workshop on Particle and Monte Carlo Methods: 24-25 July 2004

A workshop on Particle and Monte Carlo Methods will be held at the University of Barcelona, Spain, 24-25 July 2004, prior to the Bernoulli Society / IMS conference. The aim of this two-day workshop is to gather specialists in the domain of interacting type particle systems and simulation methods, essentially Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, with applications to such topics as non-linear filtering, statistical inference of hidden Markov models, rare events analysis, mathematical finance, and directed polymer simulations. For more information, please visit

16th National Symposium of Probability and Statistics, Brazil (SINAPE): 26-30 July 2004

The SINAPE is the most important meeting of the Brazilian statistical community. It is organised by the ABE (Brazilian Statistical Association). The program involves different scientific activities including mini-courses, conferences, thematic sessions, tutorial sessions, round tables, communications and prizes for the best master dissertations and undergraduate scientific works. The meeting brings together around 700 participants during 5 days of intense activities. See for details.

6th Society World Congress of the Bernoulli Society, and 67th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics: 26-31 July 2004

The 2004 Bernoulli Society World Congress, and IMS Annual Meeting, will be held in Barcelona, Spain, 26-31 July 2004. The location will be the historic building of the University of Barcelona, located in downtown Barcelona. Barcelona represents a change of venue from the originally suggested site of Jerusalem. Wilfrid Kendall is the Chair of the Scientific Committee and David Nualart is the Chair of the Organising Committee. See or email

Summer School on Imprecise Probabilities: 27-31 July 2004

A summer school in imprecise probabilities will be held at the University of Lugano, Switzerland, 27-31 July 2004.

Imprecise probability is a generic term for the many mathematical or statistical models which measure chance or uncertainty without sharp numerical probabilities. Imprecise probability models are needed in inference problems where the relevant information is scarce, vague or conflicting, and in decision problems where preferences may also be incomplete.

The school on imprecise probabilities will offer a wide and deep introduction to imprecise probability topics, both theoretical and applied. In particular, the school will focus on coherent lower previsions and their behavioral interpretation, decision theory, robust statistics, risk analysis, imprecise probability methods for artificial intelligence and knowledge discovery.

The school is organised by the Society for Imprecise Probability Theories and Applications (SIPTA). The school is mainly intended for advanced master or PhD students, postdoctoral fellows, and junior researchers.

The school is divided in five courses, one per day, of eight hours each.

Registration cost will be about CHF50 (about USD39 or EUR32), including lectures and coffee breaks. People wishing to participate should apply by 31 May 2004.

For details, please visit the website

8th Brazilian School of Probability: 1-7 August 2004

This year the school will take place in Praia das Toninhas, Ubatuba, Săo Paulo.

The school is intended as a forum to discuss new developments in Probability and Stochastic Processes. This year the topics are: fragmentation, random surfaces, hydrodynamics, random motion in random environments, traffic models, cellular automata. Activities include mini-courses, invited talks, short communications and problem sessions.

For information and registration, please see

EMS Summer School on Empirical Processes Theory and Statistical Applications: 30 August - 3 September 2004

The EMS Summer School on Empirical Processes will be held in Laredo, Spain, 30 August - 3 September 2004.

One of the main objectives in Mathematical Statistics is to know the asymptotic behaviour of statistical procedures. This motivated throughout the last century a parallel evolution of the complexity of the proposals for procedures and of the complexity of the mathematical techniques necessary for justifying their use. Beginning with the Functional Central Limit Theorem and the Invariance Principle, the currently called Empirical Process Theory collected from the 50's a number of techniques, results and points of view which have showed their ability to solve a great diversity of problems of this nature as well as to motivate new statistical procedures. In fact the evolution of this theory is a good indicator of the vast transformation that Probability and Statistics experienced during the past century. This school intends to put young researchers in contact with four of the main representatives of the development of the Empirical Process Theory in order that they can take advantage of all of their experience. Therefore, the school will be devoted to disseminating the power of this theory through courses which will be given by representative members of the main working groups which have contributed and contribute to the development of the theory. The courses will also give a vision of the present perspectives of study as well as the more significant statistical applications of the theory: bootstrap, functional estimation, censored data, tests of fit, oracle inequalities,... The school will be based on the following four courses (of seven and a half hours each).

The registration fee is EUR100. The organisation have been able to get some financial aid from the SCH bank which allow them to offer

See for details, or contact the school organiser, Marco Zaffalon ( ). 

XXIV International Seminar on Stability Problems for Stochastic Models: 10-17 September 2004

This conference will be held in Jurmala, Latvia, in the period 10-17 September 2004. Eugene Kopytov ( ) is the Chairman of the Local Organising Committee. The meeting's website for further information is at .

XII Annual Congress of the Portuguese Statistical Society: 29 September - 2 October 2004

This conference will be held at the Evora, Portugal in the period 29 September - 2 October 2004, and is being organised by the Portugese Statistical Society (SPE) and the University of Evora. Fernando Rosado is the Congress President, as President of the SPE. The local organising committee comprises Carlos Braumann (Evora), Russell Alpizar-Jara (Evora), Filomena Mendes (INE, Evora) and Manuela Oliveira (Evora), and the scientific committee comprises Fernando Rosado (Lisboa), Carlos Braumann (Evora), Maria Eugénia Graça Martins (Lisboa), Paulo Eduardo Oliveira (Coimbra) and Carlos Daniel Paulino (Univ Tecnica de Lisboa). The working languages of the conference will be Portuguese and English.

The invited speakers are

In addition, there will be a tutorial on Análise de Clusters (Cluster Analysis) given by Joăo Branco (Univ Técnica de Lisboa).

Contributed papers can be on any subject in probability, statistics and their applications. They can be presented orally on in poster form. Those interested in presenting one should submit an abstract. Abstracts should include keywords and the preferred form of presentation and shall not exceed one A4 page in Word format with a 12 point font and 1.5 line spacing. They should be sent until May 15, 2004 to .

Although the publication of the proceedings will depend on the financial success of the congress, they have always been published in the past. The publication of contributed papers in the proceedings will be conditional on a referee's report.

The registration form can be found at as well as other information about the meeting. Please complete the form and send it by regular mail, accompanied by a cheque with payment, to the organising committee. Special fees apply to SPE members and to students. The Congress will be held at the Evora Hotel. Special prices are available, and reservations should be made before 23 July 2004.

XII Congreso Latino Iberoamericano de Investigación de Operaciones (CLAIO): 4-8 October 2004

This conference will be held at the Hotel Habana Libre Tryp, Sol Meliá. It will be a meeting of interest to statisticians, covering topics such as Quality Control, Stochastic Processes, Forecast Methods, Logistic Applications, Transport and Distribution of Resources, Graphs and Inventories, Vehicle Routing, Applications of the Investigation of Operations to Biology and Medicine, Biometry, Ecological Games, Bioinformatics. For further details of the meeting, please see

Séminaire Européen de Statistique (SemStat): 12-19 December 2004

The next SemStat on Statistics of Spatio-temporal Systems will be held in 12-19 December 2004 in Höhenried near Munich, Germany, financed through a successful bid of the European Mathematical Society (EMS) to the 6th framework program of the European Commission. This event is held under the auspices of the Department of Statistics of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, with additional financial support from the German Science Foundation through the SFB 386.

The meeting takes place in the beautiful surroundings of Schloss Höhenried at Lake Starnberg, approximately 40 minutes by train from Munich. For further details, see .

The following scientists have so far agreed to give invited lectures at this meeting.

Applications are now invited from PhD students and postdocs from EU countries to participate in this exciting event. The deadline is 30 September 2004.

Please visit the Semstat website at for further information.

School on Information and Randomness: 13-17 December 2004

This school will be held at the Center for Mathematical Modeling, Universidad de Chile.

Courses will be delivered by Chris Burdzy (Washington), Bernard Host (Marne-la-Vallee), Chris Hoffman (Washington) and Heinrich Matzinger (Bielefeld and Georgia Institute of Technology). The organisers are Alejandro Maass, Servet Martinez and Jaime San Martin.

For information contact Gladys Cavallone

International Conference on the Future of Statistical Theory, Practice and Education: 29 December 2004 - 1 January 2005

This conference will be held at the Birla Science Museum, Hyderabad, India, across the New Year: 29 December 2004 - 1 January 2005. For more information, please contact C R Rao (Penn State) ( ), N Balakrishnan (McMaster) ( ), N Kannan (Texas, San Antonio) ( ), H N Nagaraja (Ohio State) ( ) or Dipak Dey (Connecticut) ( ). 

2nd Latin American Congress on Bayesian Statistics (COBAL 2): 6-10 February 2005

Following up on the success of COBAL1, the Second Latin American Congress on Bayesian Statistics (COBAL 2) will be held 6-10 February 2005 at Hotel Presidente Intercontinental "Los Cabos", in San Jose del Cabo, Baja California, Mexico. This meeting will consist of invited talks and poster sessions. More details on the program, registration fees and lodging costs will be available soon at the following website . For more information, please send an e-mail to

30th Conference on Stochastic Processes and Their Applications: 26 June - 1 July 2005

This meeting will be held in Santa Barbara, California, USA, 26 June - 1 July 2005. For further information, please see the website

25th European Meeting of Statisticians: 24-28 July 2005

We look forward to welcoming you to Oslo! 

This is the first European Meeting of Statisticians (EMS) following the new ideas of the European Regional Committee of the Bernoulli Society. The renewed EMS wants to be a central international event in all areas of statistics and probability, including methodological statistics, applied and computational statistics, probability theory, stochastic processes and applied probability. 

The scientific program has just been announced, as is detailed below. We hope to see an increase in terms of participation and contributed talks.

We encourage students and young statisticians to join the meeting in Oslo. In order to make this possible we will be offering accommodation near campus (with good standards) at a very good price, for those, students or otherwise, who do not wish to stay in a more conventional hotel. We currently estimate the on-campus accommodation to cost circa EUR 200 for the whole period. (In fact, because of local rules, the rent will be for two full weeks. We are currently working on the possibility to organise a training event during the week preceding the conference, for those who would be interested.) Of course we will offer traditional hotel accommodation, too. In summary, we aim to organise a conference for each budget.

This is the 25th EMS and we are planning to mark this round number by looking back into the history of the EMS. We wish to collect and publish historical material from the whole series of the EMS. Do you have interesting material, especially from the first 15 EMS meetings? Would you be interested in joining a small group planning this activity? Please email us at if so.

Expected arrival of participants is Saturday, 23 July 2005. The meeting starts on Sunday, 24 July 2005, in the morning, because we want to make full use of over-the-weekend low airfares. The conference will close in the afternoon of Thursday, 28 July 2005. For us "low cost" is an important issue. The reason why the conference is in July, and not in August as is the tradition, is to use the campus facilities in full in absence of regular classes, and to profit from the long warm summer days of July. The Scandinavian summer is a unique experience!

The Scientific Program committee is chaired by Aad van der Vaart (Free University Amsterdam, and Eurandom) and the Local Organising Committee includes Arnoldo Frigessi (Norwegian Computing Centre, and Oslo), Chair, and Nils L Hjort (Oslo), Deputy Chair.

Keynote addresses will be given as follows.

The invited sessions and organisers are as follows.

In addition there will be an invited discussion session on Statistical Software.

See the web page

9th International Vilnius Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics: 25-30 June 2006 

This conference will be held in Vilnius, Lithuania, on 25-30 June 2006, under the auspices of the International Statistical Institute. For more information, contact Aleksandras Plikusas ( ) at the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Akademijos str. 4, 08663, Vilnius, Lithuania, or visit