Bernoulli Society Committees

President’s Report

Don Dawson, Bernoulli Society President

I would like to begin by thanking Enno Mammen who has completed his term as Scientific Secretary, and Mathisca de Gunst whose term as Treasurer is ending in December, for their great dedication and important contributions to the Society over the past four years.
At the same time I would like to welcome two new members to the Bernoulli Executive.

Professor Arnoldo Frigessi of the University of Oslo has been appointed as Scientific Secretary for a four year term beginning in August 2004. Professor Ursula Gather of the University of Dortmund has been appointed Treasurer for a four year term beginning January 2005.

I am also very pleased to announce that Professor Jane-Ling Wang of University of California Davis has been appointed as the Bernoulli Society Program Chair for the 2007 Session of the ISI to be held in Lisbon, Portugal.

The joint 6th World Congress of the Bernoulli Society and 67th Annual meeting of the IMS held in Barcelona 26-31 July 2004 were great successes thanks to the excellent work of the Local Committee chaired by David Nualart, the Scientific Program Committee chaired by Wilfrid Kendall, the high quality of the invited and contributed lectures and the enthusiasm of the over 700 participants.

The success of the Bernoulli Society in serving our community very much depends on the efforts of colleagues such as those mentioned above who are willing to devote their time and energy to the Society. I am sure that their contributions are appreciated by all our members.

The coming year promises to be another exciting one beginning with the ISI session in Sydney, Australia, in April. The Bernoulli Society contribution to the program of ISI 2005 has been organised by our program committee chaired by Leopold Simar. The 25th European Meeting of Statisticians will be held in Oslo, Norway, 24-28 July 2005. The Chair of the Program Committee is Aad van der Vaart and the Chair of the Local Committee is Arnoldo Frigessi. The 30th Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications will be held at UC Santa Barbara 26 June - 1 July 2005. The Chair of the Program Committee is Raya Feldman. As part of the increased cooperation between the BS and IMS, two IMS Medallion Speakers will be included in the SPA program.

Looking further ahead I am pleased to announce that the Bernoulli Society and IMS have selected the National University of Singapore to host the next joint Bernoulli Society World Congress and IMS Annual Meeting in 2008 with Professor Louis Chen as Chair of the Local Committee.

The 2005 ISI Session in Sydney will present an ideal opportunity to reflect on the Bernoulli Society’s role within the International Statistical Institute. At the August 2004 meeting in Daejon, Korea, the ISI Council approved three new sections and struck a committee to prepare recommendations on a strategic planning process. This process should include consideration of how best to facilitate communications and cooperation between the sections including the Bernoulli Society and the wide spectrum of the international statistical community represented within the ISI.

— Don Dawson
(Bernoulli Society President)

Committee on Conferences in Stochastic Processes (CCSP)

The next (30th) Meeting on Stochastic Processes and Their Applications (SPA) is being organised by Raya Feldman (chair), Janos Englander and Guillaume Bonnet, and is to be held 26 June - 1 July 2005 on the campus of the University of California, Santa Barbara: visit the conference website .

SPA30 is an official conference host for the presentation of IMS Medallion lectures. This is a new cooperation between the Bernoulli Society and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics. The IMS Medallion Lecturers to speak at SPA30 are Jean-François Le Gall and Alain-So Sznitman.

The arrangements for the 31st SPA is scheduled to be held in Paris 17-21 July 2006, on the campus of University Rene Descartes (Paris V) in the heart of the Latin quarter. The organisers are Jean Bertoin (chair), Mireille Chaleyat-Maurel, Anne Estrade, Sylvie Meleard, and Bernard Ycart. A conference web page is under construction which will be announced in a future issue of this newsletter.

CCSP continues to be engaged in the process of making host selections for 2007 and beyond. Interested members of the Bernoulli Society are invited to submit brief proposals indicating possible local organisers, host site, and possible dates in this regard to CCSP chair Ed Waymire ( ) for consideration by the committee.

— Ed Waymire (Chair, CCSP)

European Regional Committee

The ERC Committee now comprises the following people.

The SemStat steering group now comprises the following people.

Updated information on these activities can always be found via the ERC's website at

— Marie Husková
(Chair, ERC)