Job Advertisements

  • Vacancy of a full time faculty position in statistics (beginning September 2006)
  • 2006-2007 IBM Herman Goldstine Memorial Postdoctoral Fellowship

  • Message from the Treasurer

    Message from the Treasurer. You are welcome to advertise jobs in Bernoulli News. The cost is currently EUR 50 per advertisement. The advertisement should contain no more than 300 words and should be emailed as plain text (ASCII or ISO8859-1) to the Editors.

    — Ursula Gather (Bernoulli Society Treasurer).

    Université catholique de Louvain, Institute of Statistics, Belgium

    Vacancy of a full time faculty position in statistics
    (beginning September 2006)

    The position is open for tenure-track or tenured at any level. The successful candidate will be involved in research and teaching activities within the Institute of Statistics. The Institute wants to strengthen its position in theoretical and applied statistics. To this end, the Institute is seeking for either a strong candidate in one of the fields of biostatistics, technometrics or alike or for a strong researcher in any of the existing fields of the Institute. She/he will teach theoretical or applied courses, introductory and advanced. She/he will take part in the research activities organised by the Institute (doctoral thesis, seminars, workshops, …) as well as in the service activities (consultancy, continuing education, …).

    For more details, contact:
    Prof. Jean-Marie Rolin, Institute of Statistics,
    Voie du Roman Pays 20, B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
    Tel: 32 10 47 43 33, fax: 32 10 47 30 32,

    Detailed job description:

    The deadline for application is January 6, 2006

    2006-2007 IBM Herman Goldstine Memorial Postdoctoral Fellowship

    The Mathematical Sciences Department of the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center invites applications for its 2006-2007 Herman Goldstine Memorial Postdoctoral Fellowship for research in mathematical and computer sciences.
    Areas of active research in the department include: algorithms, coding theory, cryptography, data mining, dynamical systems and differential equations, high-performance computation, numerical analysis, optimization, probability theory, scientific computing, statistical analysis, supply-chain and operations management, and queueing networks. Fellows interact closely with department members but are free pursue their own research. Candidates must have a Ph.D. after September 2001 or should receive one before the second half of 2006.
    One fellowship will be awarded with stipend between $95,000 and $115,000 (depending on area and experience). Applications must be received before December 31, 2005. Complete details and the application procedure are available at

    IBM is proud to be an equal-opportunity employer committed to work-place diversity.