Bernoulli Society Committees

Activities of the European Regional Committee (ERC)

New Editor of Bernoulli journal

Call for organisers

Call for News of Members and Colleagues

Activities of the European Regional Committee of the Bernoulli Society

The European Regional Committee (ERC) held its 2006 meeting during the 26th European Meeting of Statisticians in Toruń. The most important points at the meeting and in e-mail discussions during the previous year were as follows.

The following new members of the ERC were declared elected for the term 2006-2010: Adelchi Azzalini (Italy, chair) Holger Dette (Germany), Martin Janžura (Czech Republic), Alexander Holevo (Russia), J.J. Forster (UK), Dominique Picard (France), Juan Romo (Spain), Jacek Wesołowski (Poland), Tobias Rydén (Sweden).

Eva Vedel Jensen (Denmark) was elected to chair the Conference Committee for the term 2006-2008. Sara van de Geer (Switzerland) and Martin Janžura (Czech Republic) were elected to be the members of the Conference Committee.

The meetings during the past year

The 14th European Young Statisticians Meeting, Debrecen, Hungary, August 22–26, 2005. The meeting had 40 participants from 20 European countries. The ERC is grateful to the local organizers Katalin Varga and Ilona Krasznahorkay for their effort. See webpage:

The 7th Séminaire Europeéns de Statistiques, University of Warwick, UK September 11-18, 2005. The seminar had 40 participants (47 applicants). The main local organizer was Bärbel Finkenstädt. The lecturers were David Balding, Chris Holmes, Jens. L. Jensen, Sophie Schabath, Korbinian Strimmer, Lorenz Wernisch, Mike West. The ERC is grateful to the organizers and the lecturers for their work.

The 26th European Meeting of Statisticians was held in Toruń during July 24-28 in 2006. The meeting was organized by the Nicoluas Copernicus University in Toruń. Chairman of the Local Organising Committee was Adam Jakubowski. Chairman of the Scientific Programme Committee was Herold Dehling.

Prague Stochastics 2006 Prague, Czech Republic held August 21-25, 2006. This is one the traditional conferences organized under the auspices of the ERC.

Information on the forthcoming meetings

The 15th European Young Statisticians Meeting 2007 will take place in Spain, location so far unknown. The main organizers are Pedro Perran (University of Zaragoza) and Inez del Puerto (University of Extramadura).
The 8th Séminaire Europeéns de Statistiques on Statistics for Stochastic Differential Equation will be held in La Manga del Mar Menor, Spain, May 6 - 12, 2007. The local organizer is Mathieu Kessler. The following speakers have agreed to lecture: Jean Jacod, Per Mykland, Lan Zhang, Gareth Roberts, Michael Sřrensen, Valentine Genon-Catalot Alex Lindner, Andrew Stewart. Webpage:

The 27th European Meeting of Statisticians will be held in Toulouse, France July 20 - 24, 2009. Chairman of the Local Organising Committee is S. Cohen, the members are Bakry, D., Casalis, M., Laurent, B. The SPC will be chaired by Trevor Sweeting (chair, UK), the members are Jean-Marc Azads (France), Petros Delaportas (Greece), Mathisca de Gunst (Netherlands), Olle Hägetröm (Sweden), Peter Imkeller (Germany), Ingrid van Keilegom (Belgium), Gyula Pap (Hungary).

The organization of the Stat Camp during July 13– 17 is under consideration.

The ERC expresses its sincere thanks to Michael Sřrensen for the enthusiastic devoted and long lasting work for the ERC and its Conference Committee. The ERC thanks all retiring ERC members.

After the ERC meeting in Toruń Adelchi Azzalini (Italy) took over the responsibilities as chair of the ERC for the term 2006-2008.

Updated information on these activities can always be found via the ERC’s website

Marie Hŭsková

New Editor of Bernoulli journal

Professor Holger Rootzén

Professor Holger Rootzén has been enthusiastically appointed as Editor of Bernoulli journal. He succeeds Peter McCullagh, who has been leading the journal after Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen (1995-2000) and Willem R. van Zwet (2000-2003). We are very thankful to Peter for his enthusiasm and excellent work of the past several years. Holger Rootzén is Professor in Mathematical Statistics at Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden. Among his many and broad scientific interests, we mention stochastic processes, statistics, extreme values, image analysis, data traffic modelling, financial risk, applications in engineering, medicine and industry. Holger has been Editor of the journal Extremes since 1996 and served as Associated Editor for Annals of Applied Probability, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, Stochastic Processes and their Applications. Take a look at his web page for more information: We wish Holger success in this new activity!



Call for organisers

The European Regional Committee (ERC) of the "Bernoulli Society" is promoting the organization of a "European Meeting of Statisticians" (EMS) to be held in the year 2010. It is envisaged that the meeting will be held in a country where an EMS meeting has not taken place for a length of time, ideally never before; similar time contiguity with ISI conferences is better avoided. Apart from that, any European country can propose itself as a host. For the list of past EMS events, please visit the ERC web-site at and look at the section which lists past events. Groups or institutions which would like to put forward themselves for the role of Local Organising Committee are invited to get in touch with the ERC, by writing to the address below. The Scientific Program Committee of the EMS is selected by the ERC via its Conference Committee; it is customary that one member of the Scientific Program Committee is from the organizing country.

Adelchi Azzalini
Chair of the ERC

Call for News of Members and Colleagues

If you hear of news about Bernoulli Society members and colleagues which ought to be shared widely then please pass on the information to the Editors.