Forthcoming Meetings

A conference in honour of Professor Ester Samuel-Cahn: 18-20 December 2006

A conference in honour of Professor Ester Samuel-Cahn, who recently retired from the Hebrew University, will be held near Jerusalem on December 18-20, 2006.

The general theme of the conference will be statistics and its applications. Ester's lifelong commitment and contributions to the profession and science of statistics, her endless fostering of young statisticians and her impressive record of teaching statistical theory are highly respected by her many colleagues and her countless former students. Her achievements have earned her worldwide recognition and many awards, including the Israel Prize. We all feel that Ester’s memory should be honoured with a conference.

There is still a possibility to add speakers. Those interested in contributing to the programme are kindly requested to contact: Prof. Isaac Meilijson, Chair, Programme Committee, at, tel: +972-3-640-8826.

Among those who already approved their participation in the conference are: Robert J. Aumann (Hebrew U.); Lawrence D. Brown (Penn); F. Thomas Bruss (ULB); Theofilos Cacoullos (Athens U.); Yuan S. Chow (Columbia U.); Thomas Ferguson (UCLA); Larry Goldstein (USC); Alexander Gnedin (Utrecht U.); Allan Gut (Uppsala U.); Sergiu Hart (Hebrew U.); Theodore P. Hill (Georgia Tech); Ioannis Karatzas (Columbia U.); Abba M. Krieger (Penn); Tze L. Lai (Stanford); Isaac Meilijson (Tel Aviv U.); Ingram Olkin (Stanford U.); Emanuel Parzen (Texas A&M); Danny Pfeffermann (Hebrew U.); Jerome K. Percus (NYU); John Preater (Keele U.); Ernst Presman (Russian Academy of Sciences); Yosef Rinott (Hebrew U.); Uwe Saint-Mont (Fach-Hochschule Nordhausen); Stephen M. Samuels (Purdue U.); Marco Scarsini (Torino U.); Norbert Schmitz (Muenster U.); Lawrence Shepp (Rutgers); David O. Siegmund (Stanford U.); Isaac M. Sonin (UNC Charlotte); Wolfgang Stadje (Osnabrueck U.); Krzysztof Szajowski (Wroclaw Tech.); Mitsushi Tamaki (Aichi U.); Neil Turner (Keele U.); Alexander Yushkevich (UNC Charlotte); Shelemyahu Zacks (Binghamton U.) and Cunhui Zhang (Rutgers).

For further information contact: Ms. Aliza Shadmi, Conference Coordinator, tel: +972-2-641-6394, or see:

Sixth International Triennial Calcutta Symposium: 29-31 December 2006

The Calcutta Statistical Association, jointly with the Department of Statistics, Calcutta University is organizing the Sixth International Triennial Calcutta Symposium on Probability and Statistics during December 29-31, 2006.

This Symposium follows in the footsteps of earlier five Symposia held in 1991, 1994, 1997, 2000 and 2003. As in the earlier Symposia, the objective is to provide a forum for researchers engaged in the field of Statistics and Probability to exchange ideas, facilitate discussions and share views amongst themselves.

As in the previous occasions, this time also there will again be a special session on Design of Experiments and Combinatorics in the memory of the Late Professor R.C. Bose. On the occasion of the 100th birthday of the late Professor S.N. Roy, there will be a special session on December 29, 2006.

Intending participants are requested to contact the convener of the organizing committee for further details:
Dr. Asis Kumar Chattopadhyay, Department of Statistics, Calcutta University 35, Ballygunge Circular Road, Kolkata 700 019, India.


For further information visit us at

4th Meeting of the Eastern Mediterranean Region of the International Biometric Society: 23-25 January 2007

The fourth meeting of the Eastern Mediterranean Region of the International Biometric Society (EMR-IBS) will be held at the Hilton Hotel, Eilat, Israel, on January 23-25, 2007. A pre-conference reception will be held on the evening before the conference. The lead organizers of the conference are Orly Manor, Hebrew University School of Public Health, and David Zucker, Hebrew University Department of Statistics. The conference will include three full days of sessions. The first of these three days will be a special one-day symposium in honour of Marvin Zelen on the occasion of his 80th birthday. This special symposium is under the joint auspices of EMR-IBS and the Harvard School of Public Health, and is being organized jointly by Marvin's former doctoral student Ori Davidov, now at Haifa University, and Stephen Lagakos of the Harvard Department of Biostatistics. A slate of distinguished invited speakers has been lined up for the conference, and we look forward to a very stimulating meeting. The conference website is The website provides further details about the conference and a mechanism for submitting abstracts. We welcome abstracts in all areas of biometrics.

Statistics under one roof: 27-30 March 2007

This conference will be held in Bielefeld, Germany, 27-30 March 2007.

This is the first joint conference of German Statisticians organized by DAGStat-Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Statistik/German Sta-tistical Working Group.

The DAGStat is a collaborative project among five larger statistical societies in Germany, namely the:
* German Statistical Society (DStatG),
* German Region of the International Biomet-ric Society (IBS-DG),
* German Classification Society (GfKL),
* Fachgruppe Stochastik within the German Mathematical Society,
* Association of German Urban Statisticians (VDSt).

The first joint statistical conference organized by DAGStat brings together academics and professionals from different areas of statistics, providing a platform for interdisciplinary research and exchange.

Major themes in 2007 are Statistical Methods of Bioinformatics, Survival Analysis, Time Series, Graphical Models, Analysis of Panel Data, Analysis of Space-Time Data, and much more.

Confirmed invited speakers are: Raymond J. Carroll, Lon Cardon, Ralf Korn, Helmut Lütkepohl, Johann Pfanzagl.

Languages: German and English.

Séminaire Européen de Statistique 2007: 6-12 May 2007

This EMS summer school is organised by the European Mathematical Society together with the European Regional Committee of the Bernoulli Society, and will take place in La Manga del Mar Menor (Cartagena, Spain) during May 6 - 12, 2007.

Courses will be delivered by Valentine Genon-Catalot (Paris), Jean Jacod (Paris), Alexander Lindner (Munich), Per Mykland (Chicago), Gareth Roberts (Lancaster), Michael Sørensen (Copenhagen), Andrew Stuart (Warwick) and Lan Zhang (Chicago).

The summer school is intended for up to 40 Postdocs and PhD-students interested in the subject. Contributed talks or poster presentations are possible. The summer school is funded by the European Commission under EU Contract MSCFCT-2005-029473, which will cover major parts of travel and living expenses. Applications including a CV, a list of publications, a short letter of reference and (optionally) a title and abstract for a proposed presentation should be sent electronically to by January 19, 2007.

More information is available at

International Conference in probability and statistics (ESAIM P&S MEETING): 14-15 June 2007

This conference will take place at the University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France, 14-15 June 2007. The aim of this meeting is to give an overview of high standard modern statistics and probability. With this perspective, the editors (from foreign countries) of ESAIM P&S which are experts in their domains will give a talk. This meeting will also give the opportunity for the participant to acquaint themselves with the ESAIM P&S editorial board.

There are no registration fees for this meeting.
More information is available at

8th Tartu Conference on Multivariate Statistics and 6th Conference on Multivariate Distributions with Fixed Marginals and Given Dependence Structure: 26-29 June 2007

This conference will take place in Tartu, Estonia, 26-29 June 2007. Conference Subject Areas are: Multivariate Distributions, Estimation and Testing Problems, Multivariate Dependence Structures, Semiparametric and Non-parametric Methods, Hidden Random Structures, Classification and Statistical Learning, Longitudinal Data Analysis, Incomplete Data, Stochastic Models in Finance and Insurance, Applications of Multivariate Analysis.

Deadline for registration: January 1, 2007
Contact Information: e-mail:

5th International Conference on Lévy Processes: Theory and Applications 13-17 August 2007

The 5th International Conference on Lévy Processes: Theory and Applications will be held Copenhagen, August 13-17, 2007.

It will be preceded by a Satellite Summer School on Lévy Processes: Theory and Applications in Sandbjerg (Denmark), August 9-12, 2007.

The following speakers have agreed to give talks: Victor Perez Abreu (Mexico), Søren Asmussen (Aarhus), Jean Bertoin (Paris VI), Loic Chaumont (Paris VI), Serge Cohen (Toulouse), Rama Cont (ENS Paris), Giulia Di Nunno (Oslo), Ron Doney (Manchester), Vicky Fasen (TU Munich), Niels Richard Hansen (Copenhagen), Henrik Hult (Brown), Niels Jacob (Swansea), Jean Jacod (Paris VI), Anders Tolver Jensen (Copenhagen), Ingemar Kaj (Uppsala), Jan Kallsen (TU Munich), Davar Khosnevisan (Utah), Claudia Kluppelberg (TU Munich), Andreas Kyprianou (Heriot-Watt), Jean-Francois Le Gall (Paris VI), Alexander Lindner (TU Munich), Filip Lindskog (KTH Stockholm), Makoto Maejima (Keio), Tina Marquardt (TU Munich), Mark Meerschaert (Otago), Bernt Oksendal (Oslo), Martijn Pistorius (King's College), Philip Protter (Cornell), Sid Resnick (Cornell), Holger Rootzen (Chalmers), Jan Rosiński (Knoxville), Francois Roueff (ENST/TSI), Gennady Samorodnitsky (Cornell), Ken-iti Sato (Nagoya), Rene Schilling (Marburg), Thomas Simon (d'Évry-Val d'Essonne), Philippe Soulier (Paris X), Donatas Surgailis (Vilnius), Jeannette Woerner (Goettingen), Ymin Xiao (Michigan State).

For more information, please visit the website:

Upcoming workshops and conferences at EURANDOM

The following workshops and conferences will take place in Eurandom, Den Dolech 2, Eindhoven, The Netherlands:
- Workshop "Image Analysis and Inverse Problems", December 6, 2006, 11.30-13.00 h., LG 1.105;
- Workshop "YEP (Young European Probabilists) 2007: Random Graphs and Complex Networks", March 2007;
- Workshop Mathematical Methodologies for Operational Risk, March 19-21, 2007;
- Workshop "Random Polymers", June 18-22, 2007;
- Mini-course Algebraic Statistics, organised by EIDMA and Diamant, June 25-29, 2007;
- Applied Probability INFORMS Conference, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, July 9-10-11, 2007.

For further information please have a look at the website

Invitation to the Bernoulli Society satellite meeting of ISI 2007

As broadly publicised, the 56th Session of the ISI will be held in Lisbon in 2007 and satellite meetings are being organized on a few subjects.

We would like to invite people working in the field of Probability and Statistics in Science and Technology to join us at the Bernoulli Society satellite meeting of ISI 2007, to be held at the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Porto, Portugal, after the Session in Lisbon. More information will be available in the near future.

The Faculty of Engineering at the University of Porto has good facilities and hosts a few scientific conferences and technical meetings each year (

The city of Porto is very easily to reach by plane from many cities in Europe; connections from some cities are at various times throughout the day. International flights into Porto are also very convenient and arrive at the international airport. Connections to Lisbon are good and frequent by train (3 hr. trip departures approximately every hour), by plane (30 min. several flights a day) or bus. Porto is also a tourist destination together with the River Douro Valley and the old part of town is a classified UNESCO World Heritage(

Address for inquiries:

Local Organisers: Paula Milheiro,, (+351) 225081923.

Secretary: Clotilde Leite,, (+351) 225081944.

Faculdade de Engenharia, Rua Dr Roberto Frias, s/n, P-4200-465 Porto, Portugal.

Dates: following the 2007 ISI Lisboa Session.