Journal Announcements

Launch of a New Journal "Communications on Stochastic Analysis"

This journal is published in three issues annually (April, August and December). It aims to present original research papers of high quality in stochastic analysis (both theory and applications) and emphasizes the global development of the scientific community. The journal welcomes articles of interdisciplinary nature. Expository articles of current interest will occasionally be published.

The inaugural issue (April 2007) was dedicated to Professor K. Ito. The April issue of 2008 (Vol. 2, No. 1) has just been released and is dedicated to Professor L. Gross for his kiju (Japanese meaning 77th) birthday. The April issue of 2010 (Vol. 4, No. 1) is planned to be dedicated to Professor G. Kallianpur for his 85th birthday.

For more information, please check the websites:

The manuscript should be in English using the cosa_format.tex file, which can be downloaded from the above websites. Send the pdf file to the Editor-in-Chief, Hui-Hsiung Kuo, at

For subscription to the journal, contact Serials Publications at or 4830/24, Ansari Rd, Darya Ganj, New Delhi, 110 002, India