Bernoulli Society Members and Committees

The Publications Committee

The new Publications Committee of the Bernoulli Society started its work in June 2008. The members are Michael Sřrensen (Chair), Olle Häggström, Claudia Klüppelberg, Peter McCullagh and Maria Eulalia Vares. The committee met for the first time during the World Congress in Singapore in July 2008. The chairman is also a member of the publications committee of the International Statistical Institute (ISI) to improve the relations with our umbrella organization.

A main activity of the committee has been to find new editors of various journals in which the Bernoulli Society (BS) is involved. The committee is very happy that Thomas Mikosch (Copenhagen) has agreed to become the editor of Stochastic Processes and Their Applications from April 2009. He replaces Maria Eulalia Vares. I would like to take the opportunity to thank Eulalia for her enormous work for the journal. Not only has she been an unusually careful and hard working editor, she has also been very active in her contacts with Elsevier, the publisher of the journal. An important result of her efforts is the introduction of the Alternative Institutional Subscription which allows universities to subscribe to the journal at about half the usual price. The publications committee now has an ongoing dialogue with Elsevier about the journal, which should make it a bit easier to be an editor in the future.

Jointly with the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS), the Bernoulli Society publishes three electronic journals. A BS/IMS committee chaired by Steve Lalley has appointed the following editors. Bálint Tóth (Technical University Budapest) is now editor of the Electronic Journal of Probability, Timo Seppäläinen (University of Wisconsin-Madison) is the editor of Electronic Communications in Probability, and Geoffrey R. Grimmett (Cambridge University) is the editor of Probability Surveys.

Another important activity has been negotiations with Springer about the launch of an open-access electronic Encyclopedia of Probability and Statistics. The Publications Committee is enthusiastic about this project, which is jointly shared with Springer and a number of other societies including the IMS and the ISI.

The Publications Committee has also taken care of a number of smaller problems. For instance, the committee decided that Stochastic Processes and Their Applications will publish a memorial issue in honour of Professor Kiyoshi Ito, and has appointed Claudia Klüppelberg to an ISI committee to restructure the editorial board of the International Statistical Review. A main activity in the coming months will be to find the next editor of the Bernoulli journal.

Michael Sřrensen

Acknowledgements from the outgoing editor of SPA

It is my pleasure to warmly thank all the members of the editorial board of the journal Stochastic Processes and their Applications whose term finished on March 31, 2009.
I thank them for their scientific input and for their dedication to the editorial work during the past three years. Besides all it takes to deal with a mathematical journal as SPA, I also recognize their fundamental collaboration on the effort that has been made during the whole year of 2007, in conjunction with the Bernoulli Society and several members of our probability community, and which resulted in lower prices for the institutional subscription, through the enhancement of the “alternative subscription”. This required extra work, quite beyond the usual tasks of an editorial board, but it was also very important to maintain the good health of SPA given its special challenge: the journal is published and owned by Elsevier under the scientific sponsorship of the Bernoulli Society.

My warm thanks and best wishes to the following colleagues who served as associate editors during this time: Kenneth Alexander, Enrique D. Andjel, Thierry Bodineau, Richard A. Davis, Pierre Del Moral, Freddy Delbaen, Paul Doukhan, Richard Durrett, Damir Filipovic, Mark Freidlin, Frank den Hollander, Monique Jeanblanc, Haya Kaspi, Arturo Kohatsu-Higa, Dmitry Kramkov, Jin Ma, Sylvie Méléard, Thomas Mikosch, Leonid Mytnik, Victor Pérez-Abreu, Philip Protter, Jeremy Quastel, Alejandro F. Ramírez, Ellen Saada, Marta Sanz-Solé, Michael Sřrensen, Denis Talay and Roger Tribe.

Maria Eulalia Vares, Past Editor of SPA, 2006-2009

Call for News of Members and Colleagues

If you hear of news about Bernoulli Society members and colleagues that ought to be shared widely, then please pass on the information to the Editors.