Forthcoming Meetings

Job Advertisements

Message from the Treasurer. You are welcome to advertise jobs in Bernoulli News. The cost is currently EUR 50 per advertisement. The advertisement should contain no more than 300 words and should be emailed as plain text (ASCII or ISO8859-1) to the Editor. — Ursula Gather (Bernoulli Society Treasurer).

European Meeting of Statisticians 2009


EMS 2009 will be a major European international meeting of 2009 covering mathematical statistics, statistical applications and applied probability. It will be held 20-24th July in Toulouse at the Université Paul Sabatier. The meeting will be held under the auspices of the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability, the IMS and ISI. The programme will feature the Opening Lecture delivered by Emmanuel Candes (Caltech), the Forum Lectures presented by Aad van der Vaart (Vrije Universiteit) and the Closing Lecture given by Jeff Steif (Chalmers University of Technology).

The Special Invited Lecturers will be Nina Gantert (University of Muenster), Tillmann Gneiting (University of Washington), Iain Johnstone (Stanford University), Gabor Lugosi (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Andrew Majda (New York University), Péter Major (Hungarian Academy of Sciences), Geert Molenberghs (Hasselt University) and Thomas Nichols (GlaxoSmithKline). Some of the themes from the Special Invited Lectures will be continued into the Invited Paper Sessions, which cover many other topics as well – see the conference website

Registration fees are 300 € (full rate), 260 € (Bernoulli members) and 170 € (students). Note that these fees include neither the conference dinner nor the Wednesday social events. We will be able to host some participants in student rooms at a cost of €20 per day, breakfast included, with low cost meals.

Toulouse is an occitanian capital at the heart of the south west of France, especially pleasant in the summertime. The conference will open with a "dégustation de vins et fromages" on Monday, 20th July. Several mid-conference excursions and a conference dinner will help to create a friendly atmosphere in which participants can easily establish new contacts. During the free evenings, participants can enjoy the beautiful old town of Toulouse between the quays of the Garonne and the banks of the Canal du Midi.

Jean-Claude Fort


Probability at Warwick Young Researchers Workshop


The Probability at Warwick Young Researchers Workshop will be held from 20-24 July 2009. It has the principal aim of bringing together young researchers working in probability, and will feature lectured courses by two excellent speakers intended to be accessible to graduate mathematicians and probabilists:

• One methodology for random graphs and random networks by Prof. David Aldous (University of California, Berkeley)

• Separation of time scales and averaging of fast subsystems for stochastic chemical reaction models by Prof. Tom Kurtz (University of Wisconsin, Madison)

Registration is now open, with the deadline for the allocation of subsidised places being 1 May 2009. For further details, please see:

David Croydon



The next Latin American Congress in Probability and Mathematical Statistics, XI CLAPEM, will be held November 1-9, 2009, in Venezuela under the sponsorship of the Latin American Society for Probability and Mathematical Statistics (SLAP’EM), the Latin American Chapter of the Bernoulli Society. The program includes 2 short courses, plenary talks, invited sessions as well as general poster and oral communication sessions.

Short courses:
• Quasi-stationary distributions. Prof. Servet Martnez, Universidad de Chile.
• Classification and cluster analysis for functional data. Prof. Ricardo Fraiman, Universidad de San Andrés, República Argentina y Universidad de la República, Uruguay.

Invited speakers:
• Peter Bickel (University of California, Berkeley)
• Peter Bühlmann (ETH, Zürich)
• David Donoho (Stanford University)
• Luis Gorostiza (CINVESTAV, IPN, México)
• Greg Lawler (University of Chicago)
• Peter Hall (University of Melbourne)
• Marta Sanz–Solé (Universitat de Barcelona)
• Vladas Sidoravicius (IMPA–Brasil, CWI Amsterdam)

Confirmed Invited Sessions:
• Probability models in biology, organized by Sylvie Meleard
• Sea modeling, organized by Georg Lindgren
• Bayesian Methods, organized by Alicia Carriquiry
• Environmental Statistics, organized by Alexandra Schmidt and Lelys Bravo
• Fractional Brownian Motion, organized by Cipriam Tudor
• Levy Processes, organized by M. Emilia Caballero and Víctor Rivero
• Statistical Mechanics and Interacting Particle Systems, organized by Pablo Ferrari
• Random Media, organized by Alejandro Ramírez
• Interface between Probability and Statistics, organized by Gabor Lugosi
• Topics in Robust Statistics, organized by Alfonso Gordaliza
• Statistics in Manufacturing Technology , organized by Vijay Nair
• Session in honor of Mario Wschebor, organized by J-M Azaïs
• Mathematical Finances, organized by Jean-Charles Rochet
• Quantum Probability, organized by Roberto Quezada.

Important dates:
Abstract submission for oral communications and posters: March 20 to June 30, 2009
Registration forms and accommodation reservations: March 20 to September 30, 2009



Workshop on Statistical Inference for Lévy Processes with Applications to Finance

The Workshop on Statistical Inference for Lévy Processes with Applications to Finance will be held July 15-17, 2009, at EURANDOM, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.

Recent years have witnessed great interest in financial models based on Lévy processes as possible alternatives to the traditional Black-Scholes model of financial markets. An appealing feature of models based on Lévy processes is their ability to reproduce important stylized features of financial time series. Moreover, there exists a well-developed mathematical (probabilistic) theory for Lévy processes.

As any stochastic model, a financial model based on a Lévy process depends on various parameters (finite, or possibly infinite-dimensional). Estimation of these parameters, or in financial terminology, calibration of the model to the available data, is of critical importance to successful applications of these models in practice. This is a new and challenging area of statistical research.

Invited speakers: Yacine Aït-Sahalia (Princeton University, Princeton), Markus Reiß (Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg), Christian Houdré (Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta), Valentine Genon-Catalot (Université René Descartes- Paris 5, Paris), Nick Bingham (Imperial College, London), Ernst Eberlein (University of Freiburg, Freiburg), Alexander Szimayer (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn), Helyette Geman (University of London, London), José Manuel Corcuera (Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona), Antonis Papapantoleon (Vienna University of Technology, Vienna), Fabienne Comte (Université René Descartes-Paris 5, Paris), Rama Cont (Columbia University, New York).

The registration is now open. There is no closing date for the registration, but the number of places is limited. There is no registration fee for academia. To register, please visit the workshop website. Participants will be given the opportunity to present talks on their own research.

Organisers: Chris Klaassen (Universiteit van Amsterdam & EURANDOM), Shota Gugushvili (EURANDOM) and Peter Spreij (Universiteit van Amsterdam).

For more information, please visit the workshop website at

Peter Spreij


Summer School on Stochastic Geometry, Spatial Statistics and Random Fields

The Summer School on Stochastic Geometry, Spatial Statistics and Random Fields will take place in Hirschegg (Allgaeu Alps) during September 13-26, 2009.

Its aim is to give a concise introduction into the methods, results and applications of stochastic geometry and spatial statistics. In contrast with previous summer schools on this subject, the focus will be on asymptotic methods of spatial stochastics, related aspects of the theory of random fields and their applications.

The school is open to master and PhD students as well as to PostDocs with interests in spatial stochastics. For non-German participants, a limited number of DAAD grants are available covering the travel costs, accommodation and meals. These grants will be distributed on a competitive basis.

Please forward this information to any young probabilist who might be interested in participating. The poster of the school can be downloaded at

Evgeny Spodarev