A Word from the President

First of all I would like to warmly thank Jean Jacod for being President of the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability (BS) during the last two years and the Executive Committee and Council members who ended their term. I would like to take the opportunity to also thank Eric Cator and Erik van Zwet who served as editors of the Bernoulli News (BNews) for the last two years and to welcome Vicky Fasen and Robert Stelzer as its new editors.
For almost fifteen years BNews has been an important publication to share news about Bernoulli Society activities and members. In the contents of BNews and the BS Website we find some of the most important values and strengths of the Society; its History; the high level standards of regional and international meetings organized or sponsored by the Society; the strong traditions of the Conferences on Stochastic Processes and their Applications; the role played by BS in the organization of meetings during ISI Sessions; the consistent work done by some of the standing committees and, very relevantly, the increasing prominence of the Bernoulli Society World Congresses.
Part of my work as BS President Elect was to promote a diagnosis process with the contribution of points of view, initiatives and comments kindly provided by several members. Many of the strengths of the Society have been confirmed and we have also learned various problems that BS has had for several years; some of them are similar to those currently faced by other scientific and professional societies but some are BS weaknesses in particular. Part of this diagnosis includes what has already been pointed out by Arnoldo Frigessi in his Word from the Outgoing Scientific Secretary (BNews, Vol. 15, No. 2, 2008) and by Jean Jacod in his last A Word from the President (BNews, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2009).
Strengths of the Society are also the high level standards of its official publications the Bernoulli Journal and Stochastic Processes and Their Applications, as well as the new co-sponsored open access publications Electronic Communications in Probability, Electronic Journal of Probability, Electronic Journal of Statistics, Probability Surveys and Statistics Surveys. Members of past publications committees and editors should be congratulated for the work they have done. A challenge for the present BS Executive and Publications Committees is to continue – in a strategic framework – negotiations and decisions for favorable and reasonable commercial conditions for the official publications. These were a source of tensions in the past.
Stochastics is the paradigm of the 21st Century, as was highlighted by Peter Jagers in his first A Word from the President (BNews Vol. 12, No.2, 2005). This is a challenge for our disciplines as a whole, not specific or exclusive to a single society or institution. This calls for the existence of several strong societies that assure equilibriums and necessary broadness of views. The Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability must reinforce its own niche in the fortunately competing scenery of several good and bigger existing societies and continue seeking friendly cooperation with ISI and IMS, as well as with other societies.

In particular, as a Section of the ISI, a natural question is the role that the Bernoulli Society should continue playing within ISI. I have addressed this question and about the 2013 initiative in the BS contribution to the ISI Newsletter Vol. 33, No. 3 (99), 2009. The present issue of BNews has a contribution by Council member Adam Jakubowski also on the 2013 initiative and other diagnosis thoughts.
There is a call to discuss activities and initiatives to go beyond what the Bernoulli Society has already achieved. This may include a more truly worldwide society, impacting and interacting with regional and national formations in our disciplines, as well as with learned societies in other disciplines where mathematical statistics, probability and stochastic processes continue playing relevant and increasing roles.
Finally, I would like to welcome the new members of the Executive Committee and the Council. The forthcoming years’ agendas must be defined by the challenges and opportunities already detected. In addition to these, members are welcome and encouraged to make suggestions for a stronger Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability.
Last but not least, I would like to ask you, our members, to encourage your colleagues and postdocs and especially your Ph.D. students – for whom membership is free – to join the Bernoulli Society (see details here). Moreover, please suggest to your library to subscribe to our official journals – Bernoulli (see and Stochastic Processes and Their Applications (see – if it does not do so yet. For the later journal, there is an alternative institutional subscription due to negotiations of Bernoulli Society with Elsevier during the last few years.

Víctor Pérez-Abreu, Guanajuato

The deadline for the next issue is March 31, 2010. Please email submissions as plain text to the Editors:
Vicky Fasen & Robert Stelzer.