
Itô Prize for Marc Wouts

Guionnet Awarded 2009 Loève Prize

Itô Prize for Marc Wouts

Abridgement of Maria Eulalia Vares’ presentation at the SPA 2009 in Berlin

The Itô prize has been created in 2003 by an initiative of Philip Protter on the occasion of Professor Kiyosi Itô’s 88th birthday, a special date in the Japanese tradition. It celebrates the fundamental contributions of Professor Itô to probability. This is the first edition following the sad event of his passing away, and we wish to honor his memory.
Every two years, the editorial board of the journal Stochastic Processes and Their Applications (SPA) selects one article published in SPA during the last two years, which the board considers to bring a substantial contribution to the subject. By the way, I take this opportunity to mention that Sylvie Roelly, our chair today, received the Third Itô prize, in 2007 (jointly with Michele Thieullen).
I am here today because this prize was decided by the past editorial board of SPA, whose term ended a few months ago. On behalf of the journal Stochastic Processes and their Applications, it is my big pleasure to award the fourth Itô prize to Marc Wouts, from the University of Paris 13, for the paper “A coarse graining for the Fortuin-Kasteleyn measure in random media”.
Let me add a few words on this decision:
Renormalization procedures play a fundamental role in the description of the equilibrium phase coexistence in statistical mechanics models. In the classical case, remarkable progress has been achieved in the 90s, following the development of an efficient coarse graining description by Agoston Pisztora. The extension to random environments is difficult, and requires truly new insights. The results and tools developed in the article show a wide range of potential applications.

Finally, I would like to transmit to the recipient the kind regards of Professor Itô’s family, and before passing on to Thomas Mikosch, the journal editor, it is my great pleasure to call Marc Wouts to receive a certificate of our recognition for his work.

Maria Eulalia Vares, Rio de Janeiro

Curriculum Vitae of Marc Wouts

Marc Wouts entered École Normale Supérieure as a student in 2000 and graduated then at University Pierre et Marie Curie. He obtained his Masters from the University Paris Sud and then started a Ph.D. thesis at the University Paris Diderot under the direction of Thierry Bodineau. His research was concerned with the effects of dilution in the Ising model on the phenomenon of phase
During that time, he was solicited for teaching duties at University of Barcelona, ENSAE Paris, University Paris Ouest. Last year he obtained a teaching and research position (maître de conférences) at University Paris Nord.

Abstract of the paper

The award winning paper "A coarse graining for the Fortuin-Kasteleyn measure in random media" addresses the issue of establishing a renormalization scheme for the dilute Ising model in the regime of phase transition. The Fortuin-Kasteleyn representation of the Ising model is an adequate framework for answering such a question as it provides a joint distribution on spins and edges variables, in which the geometry of clusters govern the structure of spins. An effective description of the geometry of those clusters for the non-dilute case was given by Pisztora [PTRF 1996] and permitted a rigorous description of complex phenomena like phase coexistence in three dimensions for the Ising model. The above paper is a generalization of the work of Pisztora for a dilute model. An additional layer of randomness is introduced: the interaction strength between neighbour spins are i.i.d. positive and bounded random variables. Although being a generalization of the uniform model, this random media version lacks an essential property of the former: the DLR equation. This makes Pisztora's scheme of proof ineffective and the author has to resort to advanced probabilistic and geometrical constructions to bypass this difficulty. The same controls as for the uniform case are established. It is proven that blocks are

good (see Figure 1) with probability close to one when the block size is large, under an assumption of slab percolation under the averaged measure. Controls on the density of the cluster are inferred as well. This renormalization framework was latter applied [CMP 2009] to the study of phase coexistence in the dilute Ising model.
Figure 1: An insight at renormalization. The figure presents a realization of independent percolation of parameter p=0.52 on a 40x40 square lattice. A block is good when it contains a cluster that connects every edge of the block, and when this cluster is the only one that has a diameter larger than half the size of the box. The block A1 is not good because it contains two clusters of diameter greater than 10. Blocks B3 and C3 are good. Notice that overlapping good blocks share the same main cluster. In the paper is it shown, under the slab percolation assumption, that most blocks are good when their size is large enough. This provides an effective control of the geometry of the main cluster.

Marc Wouts, Paris

Guionnet Awarded 2009 Loève Prize

The 2009 Line and Michel Loève International Prize in Probability is awarded to Alice Guionnet of the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon. The prize, which carries a monetary award of $30,000, will be presented at a ceremony in Berkeley in October 2009.
She received her Ph.D. in 1995, advised by Gerard Ben Arous. Her thesis dealt with Langevin dynamics in the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model of spin glasses, via a large deviations approach. The study of dynamics for complex systems (spin systems, particle approximations to the nonlinear filtering equations and spin glasses, where logarithmic Sobolev inequalities in particular and concentration of measure methods in general are very relevant), and more specifically the study of aging phenomena, continue to be a component of her research to this day, with important collaborations with Zegarlinsky, Ben Arous, Dembo and Mazza. Maybe more important, it also naturally lead her to what would become her main area of research and best known work, namely the study of large random matrices. Starting with a proof of the large deviations principle for the spectral measure of Wigner matrices (with Ben Arous), which helped to bring to the attention of probabilists the concept of non-commutative entropy coined by Voiculescu, she quickly realized that dynamics and concentration techniques can be adapted to this context and yield a systematic approach to many open questions. Results include the full large deviation principle for the spectral measure of generalized Gaussian matrices and concentration of the spectral measure in more general models (with Zeitouni), and later applications to the study of random matrix models, which had long been studied non-rigorously in mathematical physics. She has found rigorous arguments and elucidated connections with other mathematical fields, in topics such as first and second order expansions of the free energy and the connection with maps enumeration; stochastic analysis for random matrices and Dyson's Brownian motion; connections with ”free probability”; and most recently, the study of planar algebras. A partial list of collaborators here includes B. Collins, V. Jones, D. Shlyakhtenko, and her students M. Maida and E. Maurel-Segala. This has been an extremely active field over the last years, with many workers pursuing many partly overlapping techniques and problem domains, and her lecture notes from courses in 2003 and 2006, together with a forthcoming monograph (with Anderson and Zeitouni), have helped to bring welcome clarity to the field.
About the Prize: The Prize commemorates Michel Loève, Professor at the University of California, Berkeley, from 1948 until his untimely death in 1979. The Prize was established by his widow, Line, shortly before her death in 1992. Awarded every two years, it is intended to recognize outstanding contributions by researchers in probability that are under 45 years old.

David Aldous, Berkeley