Newsletter of the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability

Claudia Klüppelberg
Department of Mathematics
Johannes Gutenberg University
D-55099 Mainz, Germany
phone: +49 6131 39 3332
fax: +49 6131 39 4389

BERNOULLI NEWS Vol.2, No.1, 1995

From the Editor

From the Editor

Let me first thank you very much for the many compliments and positive reactions on the first issue of this newsletter. It has been very encouraging, as also have the contributions of BS Members to this issue. With a limited space I had to shorten some of your contributions considerably, but I tried very hard to pass on the important information. In particular, I took great care to always provide an address for further information. Furthermore, I was quite pleased to notice that Readers of Bernoulli News have built-in subconscious error-correction. Only Charles Goldie (London) queried my announcement on the cover--page of the first issue that Bernoulli News is to appear `biennially'. That would mean once every two years, as with biennial flowering plants. Our newsletter will flower and fruit four times as often as that. The word I should have used is `biannually'; `semi-annually' would also have been correct. However, given the demonstrated ease of mistakes here I shall follow advice given to writers of English prose, to avoid words with Latin roots if there are short words of Germanic origin that will do as well. As the cover now says, Bernoulli News is published two times each year. I hope that you are all happy with this new issue and keep submitting to Bernoulli News.

Mainz, April 30, 1995 Claudia Klüppelberg

Last minute news: The Scientific Secretary of BS, R.D. Gill, Mathematics Institute, Univer sity of Utrecht, Utrecht 3508 TA, Netherlands, email:, fax: +31 30 518 394, asks me to menti on two items:

- The AMS Mathematics Subject Classification for Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes and for Statisti cs is being revised. F. Pukelsheim, Department of Mathematics, Augsburg University, D-86159 Augsburg, Germany , is member of an IMS Committee to make proposals. He has agreed to function also as BS representative. Propo sals can be sent to R.D. Gill or to F. Pukelsheim.

- R.D. Gill is also BS representative of an ISI Committee on Neglected Areas in Statistics. BS members are we lcome to send suggestions to R.D. Gill.

R.D. Gill also mentions some very exciting electronic news. He will write about those in the next issue of Bernoulli News.

List of Contents

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Please submit material by electronic mail to the editor.