Newsletter of the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability

Editor: Angelika May phone: +49 89 289 28210
Center for Mathematical Sciences fax: +49 89 289 28464
Munich University of Technology
D-80290 Munich, Germany

BERNOULLI NEWS Vol.6, No.1, 1999

From the Editor

From the Editor

Taking over a new task is always exciting ... These words may serve as a motto even for this issue. In November 1998, I accepted a job offer from caesar and moved to Bonn, the (former) capital of Germany. caesar is a new founded research institute; the name is an acronym for center of advanced european studies and research. The institute houses applied research projects preferably in collaboration with industry.

I had a lot of interesting conference announcements coming in and hope you all enjoy the broad variety of information. I am very much looking forward to getting conference reports from most of the events to be included in the next issue of BNews. (Please note that my email address has changed.)

As always, life for me as an editor would have been much harder without the help from many collaborators. I explicitly want to thank Allan Gut for excellent proof-reading and Jörg Müller for his TEX-nical help.

Bonn, May 14, 1999 Angelika May

List of Contents

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Please submit material by electronic mail to the editor.