Joint Message from the Presidents
of BS and IMS

Joint Membership of the Bernoulli Society and
the Institute of Mathematical Statistics

We are very pleased to announce that our two societies have created a joint BS/IMS membership beginning in 2005. Our two societies share common objectives, namely the advancement of probability and statistics and their applications. The Bernoulli Society was created in 1975 as a section of the International Statistical Institute which in turn goes back to 1853. The Institute of Mathematical Statistics was created in 1935. The two societies have worked together for a number of years on joint activities. Since 1990 every four years the Annual Meeting of the IMS has been held jointly with the World Congress of the Bernoulli Society. These meetings have become major international events that have brought together probabilists and statisticians from around the world. More recently the two societies have co-sponsored a number of other meetings and are jointly sponsoring the new electronic journal Probability Surveys. The two societies will continue to work together to provide joint activities for our community and the new joint membership category provides individuals the opportunity to participate in both societies. Joint members will enjoy all benefits of both societies at substantial savings (the 2005 joint fee is EUR93 (USD116). The benefits of joint membership include the Bernoulli Society journal Bernoulli, Bernoulli News, the IMS Bulletin, electronic access to all IMS journals and reduced registration fees at meetings of both societies.

We believe joint BS/IMS membership provides an important new option for our members and look forward to increased participation by members of both societies.

— Louis Chen (President, IMS)
and Don Dawson (President, BS)