Forthcoming Meetings

XIV ELAM - Latin American School of Mathematics: 1-9 December 2005

The conference will be held in Solís, Uruguay, 1-9 December 2005.

ELAM is one of the main events on Mathematics in Latin America, and this edition is devoted to Probability and Dynamical Systems. This event will be also part of the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the foundation of UMALCA (Unión Matemática de América Latina y el Caribe), Mathematical Society for mathematicians from Latin American and Caribbean countries.
The organising committee is Pablo Ferrari (USP-Brasil), Roberto Markarian (IMERL-Uruguay), Ernesto Mordeki (CMAT-Uruguay), Gonzalo Perera (IMERL-Uruguay), Martin Sambarino (CMAT-Uruguay), Marcelo Viana (IMPA-Brasil), Mario Wschebor (CMAT-Uruguay) and Marcelo Cerminara (Secretary) (IMERL-Uruguay). There will be six courses and eight invited lectures, as well as four sessions devoted to short communications.

Invited courses will be given by
• Pierre Collet, Ecolé Polytechnique, France: "Probability and dynamical systems";
• Konstantin Khanin: Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK: "Ergodic theory, continued fractions and renormalisations";
• Alain Chenciner: IMCCE and Université Paris VII-Denis Diderot, France: "Calculus of variations in the convex case: an introduction to Fathi's weak KAM theory and Mather's theory of minimal invariant measures";
• Michael Shuby, Charle Pugh, University of Toronto, Canada: "Introduction to hyperbolic and partially hyperbolic dynamical systems";
• Ravi R. Mazumdar, University of Waterloo, Canada: "Applications of probability to traffic modeling";
• David Nualart, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain: "Fractional Brownian Motion: stochastic calculus and applications".
The organising committee will probably be able to provide some financial support to postgraduate students and mathematicians from Latin America. No registration fees will be charged to participants for the event.
For more information, please contact , and see the web site

Workshop on “The Economics & Finance of Extremes”: 12-13 Dec 2005

The workshop will be held in Eurandom, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 12-13 December 2005.

It is the aim of this workshop to bring together a small group of high profile researchers who work on the (probabilistic) explanations of extremes-related phenomena in economics and finance, like heavy tailed distributions, or the tail behaviour of economic data in general. Apart from the question concerning the typical univariate tail behaviour of financial data, the workshop focuses on multivariate tail properties and their economic foundations. This analysis might explain why specific (tail) copulas should occur or why boundaries of the support of a distribution have certain features. We hope that this workshop will increase the understanding of the probabilistic properties of extremes of economic and financial datasets and will lead to improved statistical models.

Organizers: Prof.dr. J.H.J. Einmahl (Universiteit van Tilburg) and Prof. dr. C.G. de Vries (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam).

For more information please visit

Program on Semidefinite Programming and its Applications: 1-31 January 2006

The Institute for Mathematical Sciences (Singapore) is organizing a program on Semidefinite programming (SDP). The program will take place from 1st to 31st January 2006 in Singapore.
The program will provide a forum for the exchange of ideas among researchers working in theory, applications, algorithms, and software development of SDP.
The program will consist of tutorials and a workshop, with ample opportunities for collaborative research among local and international participants. Activities of the program: Tutorials, 9-10 January 2006 and Workshop, 11-13 January 2006.
The Organizing Committee of this program consists of:
• Chair: Michael Todd (Cornell University);
• Co-chairs: Jie Sun (National University of Singapore), Kim-Chuan Toh (National University of Singapore).
For further information and registration, please visit

For general enquiries, please email

For enquiries on scientific aspects of the program, please email Kim-Chuan Toh,

Workshop on “Statistics for Biological Networks”: 16-18 January 2006

The workshop will be held in Eurandom, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 16-18 January 2006.

The workshop "Statistics for biological networks" (SBN) aims at fostering the collaboration between statisticians and biologists currently involved or simply interested in modeling high dimensional biological networks. The workshop will include a sequence of talks and poster presentations illustrating advances in the theory and application of stochastic network models motivated by biological questions.
The core topics of the workshop are: Gene Regulatory Networks, Statistical Analysis of Neuronal Data, Graphical Models and Bayesian Networks.
The Workshop has been promoted by Richard Gill, Mathisca de Gunst, Chris Klaassen, Nadia Lalam and Fabio Rigat.
For more information please visit the website

School and Symposium on Optimal Stopping and its Aplications: 17-27 January 2006

This School followed by a Symposium will be held in Manchester University, Great Britain, 17-27 January 2006. The topic is devoted exclusively to Optimal Stopping and its Applications. The program will cover a full spectrum of presentations spanning 50 years of expertise, including honorary distinguished lectures to be given by J. Laurie Snell and Eugene B. Dynkin.
Please visit the following website and register as early as possible as places are limited:

Applications from Ph.D. students and young researchers are also strongly encouraged.

The 55th European Study Group Mathematics with Industry: 30 Jan-3 Feb 2006

The event also known as Studiegroep Wiskunde met de Industrie 2006 (SWI2006) will be held at the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven in Eindhoven, the Netherlands from January 30 to February 3, 2006.
The Study Group is an industrial/academic week where mathematics is used to tackle industrial problems. The formula of setting aside a week for intensive study of a few real world problems originates in Oxford in 1968 and has since spread around the world. Information about the Study Group 2005 in Amsterdam can be found at the SWI2005 site

Workshops in Eurandom: March 2006

The following workshops will be held in Eurandom, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, in March 2006:
• 6-8 March 2006: "Risk Measures and Risk Management for High-frequency Data";
• 20-24 March 2006: "YEP (Young European Probabilists) 2006";
• 29-31 March 2006 : "Self-Interacting Random Walks".
More detailed information will be published in due time:

German Open Conference on Probability and Statistics: 14-17 March 2006

This conference will be held in Frankfurt, Germany, 14-17 March 2006.

This conference is held every two years by the Fachgruppe Stochastik of the German Mathematical Society. It provides a forum for participants from universities, business, and industry to discuss new results in the area of probability and statistics.
The “Stochastik-Tage" have become the major event probability and statistics in Germany, and belong to the most important probability and statistics conferences in Europe. There will be 14 sections covering major parts of the field, and a few hundred participants are expected.
A first announcement of the conference, including the list of sections, their organisers and the plenary speakers, is at

Conference on Stochastics in Science, in Honour of Ole Barndorff-Nielsen’s 71st Birthday: 20-24 March 2006

This conference will be held in Guanajuato, Mexico, 20-24 March 2006.

The Scientific Program of the Conference includes two Special Invited Talks and ten Invited Sessions on different fields, where Ole has contributed or where we think he would like to do so. Among the topics will be Lévy theory and processes, infinite divisibility, likelihood theory as well as stochastic modeling and applications in physical sciences, bioinformatics and finance. In addition talks will be featured by young researchers, with whom Ole has recently collaborated.

Organizing committee: Claudia Klüppelberg (Munich, Germany), Víctor Pérez-Abreu (Guanajuato, Mexico), Michael Sřrensen (Copenhagen, Denmark).
Contact or visit the website

7th International Conference on Operations Research: 27-31 March 2006

The conference will be held in Havana, Cuba, 27-31 March 2006.

This conference is devoted to the celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the publication of the first issue of the journal Investigación Operacional.
Main Themes of the conference are: Optimization, Probability and Statistics, Mathematical Economics and Algorithms.
For more information please mail Prof. Dr. Sira Allende Alonso ( ) or Prof. Dr. J. Guddat ( ).

Program on Random Graphs and Large-Scale Real-World Networks: May 1 - June 30 2006

The Institute for Mathematical Sciences (Singapore) is organizing a program on Random Graphs and Large-Scale Real-World Networks. The program will take place from May 1 to June 30, 2006 in Singapore.
The aim of the program is to bring together people who have done much work on the rigorous mathematical theory of random graphs and experts (mostly physicists and computer scientists) on measuring real-world graphs, modeling them and studying them experimentally. The problems concerning complex networks vary greatly in importance and difficulty, so the program should not only enable young researchers to gain access to the methods and problems of a large and very active field, but the research community should also benefit from the collective wisdom of the participants as to the direction of future research.
The program will consist of tutorials, workshop and a public lecture, with ample opportunities for collaborative research among local and international participants.

Activities of the program:
• Tutorials: 8-12 May 2006. Speakers - L. Lovasz, B. Bollobas, P. Balister, O. Riordan, S. Janson;
• Workshop: 12-16 June 2006;
• Public Lecture: (to be advised) Speakers - J.T. Chayes, A.L. Barabasi.
The Organizing Committee of this program consists of:
• Chair: Bela Bollobas (University of Memphis and University of Cambridge);
• Co-chairs: Khee-Meng Koh (National University of Singapore), Oliver Riordan (University of Cambridge), Chung-Piaw Teo (National University of Singapore), Vikram Srinivasan (National University of Singapore).
For further information and registration, please visit

For general enquiries, please email . For enquiries on scientific aspects of the program, please email Bela Bollobas ( ).

Program on Algorithmic Biology: Algorithmic Techniques in Computational Biology: June 1 – July 31 2006

The Institute for Mathematical Sciences (Singapore) is organizing a program on Algorithmic Techniques in Computational Biology. The program will take place from June 1st to July 31st 2006 in Singapore.
The theme of this program is algorithmic techniques in computational biology. The program will bring together researchers in algorithmic biology from a wide spectrum of application areas including, but not limited to, sequence comparison and analysis, microarray design and analysis, whole genome alignment, recognition of genes and regulatory elements, motif finding, gene network, phylogeny reconstruction, phylogenetic networks, molecular evolution, computational proteomics, and systems biology.

The program will consist of tutorials and workshops, with ample opportunities for collaborative research among local and international participants.
Activities of the program :
• Workshop 1: RECOMB Workshop on Regulatory Genomics (19-23 June 2006, tentative);
• Workshop 2: Workshop on Bioalgorithmics (17-21 July 2006);
• Tutorials: (to be advised).
The Organizing Committee of this program consists of:
• Co-chairs: Hon Wai Leong (National University of Singapore), Pavel Pevzner (University of California, San Diego), Franco Preparata (Brown University), Ken W. K. Sung (National University of Singapore), Louxin Zhang (National University of Singapore).
For further information and registration, please visit

For general enquiries, please email . For enquiries on scientific aspects of the program, please email Hon-Wai Leong ( ).

XV International Workshop on Matrices and Statistics: 13-17 June 2006

The Fifteenth International Workshop on Matrices and Statistics will be held in Uppsala, from Tuesday, June 13 till Saturday, June 17, 2006. The purpose of the workshop is to stimulate research, in an informal setting, and to foster the interaction of researchers in the interface between matrix theory and statistics. Additional emphasis will be put on related numerical linear algebra issues and numerical solution methods, relevant to problems arising in statistics. The workshop will include both invited and contributed talks.
For more detailed info please visit the homepage:

Conference on Stochastic Networks: 19-24 June 2006

The seventh international Conference on Stochastic Networks will be held in June 19-24, 2006 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. This conference will continue a tradition of similar meetings held at irregular intervals over the last 20 years or so, starting with the one organized by Peter Glynn and Tom Kurtz in Madison in 1987, continuing with conferences in Minneapolis, Edinburgh, Madison, Stanford and Montreal. These meetings have brought together mathematicians and applied researchers who share an interest in stochastic network models.
Like its predecessors, the 2006 Stochastic Networks Conference (sponsored by US Army Research Office) will emphasize new model structures and new mathematical problems that are motivated by contemporary developments in wireless networks, Internet, biology, manufacturing, and mathematical methods for stochastic network analysis. There will be roughly twenty invited talks over a six-day period (Monday through Saturday), with plenty of time in the interstices for informal discussions. In addition, there will be a poster session for contributed papers.
For preliminary information about the conference, see

Further updates will become available at the same website.

Fifth International Conference on Probability and Statistics (PROBASTAT2006): 25-30 June 2006

The 5th International Conference on Probability and Statistics, PROBASTAT 2006, will be held at Smolenice Castle, Slovakia, 5-9 June 2006.

Smolenice is a village in the west part of Slovakia, located about 60km north-east of the capital city Bratislava. The Smolenice Castle, surrounded by a beautiful park, towers above the village of Smolenice in the eastern foothills of Male Karpaty (Small Carpatians). The castle used to be a stronghold watching the Czech Road, and it was destroyed and abandoned in late 18th century. From this medieval stronghold only a part of the outside rampart with a cannon bastion is preserved. Renovation of the castle in Romantic style, started in the late 19th century, and was finished in 1955. The castle is used both for recreation and work (conferences, workshops, seminars, etc.).

The conference sessions will cover the following areas:
• Regression and Mixed Models (Chairs: Marie Hušková, Charles University, Prague, and Júlia Volaufová, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans);
• Experimental Design (Chairs: Werner Müller, University of Economics and BA, Vienna, and Andrej Pázman, Comenius University, Bratislava);
• Time Series (Chair: Benedikt Pötscher, University of Vienna);
• Statistical Learning (Chair: Ivan Mizera, University of Alberta, Edmonton).
There will be invited talks on these areas. Contributed papers or posters on these areas or others are welcome. A proceedings volume is intended to be published after the conference.
For more details visit the web site at where the information is regularly updated, or contact the organizers at

Institute of Measurement Science
Slovak Academy of Sciences
Dubravska cesta 9

9th International Vilnius Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics: 25-30 June 2006

This conference will be held in Vilnius, Lithuania, 25-30 June 2006, under the auspices of the International Statistical Institute. For more information, contact Aleksandras Plikusas ( ) at the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Akademijos str. 4, 08663, Vilnius, Lithuania, or visit

6th International Conference on Stereology, Spatial Statistics, Stochastic Geometry: 26-29 June 2006

This conference will be held at the Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, in Prague, Czech Republic, 26-29 June 2006. The meeting is devoted to theory and applications.
For more information, contact Viktor Benes ( ) or Radka Juzkova ( ).
The website for the meeting is at

7th International Conference on Teaching Statistics (ICOTS-7): 2-7 July 2006

The International Association for Statistical Education (IASE) and the International Statistical Institute (ISI) are organising the 7th International Conference on Teaching Statistics (ICOTS-7) which will be hosted by the Brazilian Statistical Association (ABE) in Salvador (Bahia), Brazil, 2-7 July 2006.
Most of the 54 Invited Paper Sessions (arranged into nine different topics) are complete. In addition, four Special Interest Group Meetings (three of them in both Portuguese and Spanish) have been arranged for those interested in discussing a particular theme.
Contributed papers and posters dealing with any aspect of statistics education are welcome.
Contributed papers will be arranged in a variety of sessions, taking into account the proposals received. An optional refereeing process will be arranged for those wishing their papers to be refereed.
Those interested in submitting a poster should contact Celi Lopes ( ) before 1 February 2006.
Detailed guidelines for authors, deadlines and other information are available at

More information can be obtained from Carmen Batanero ( ).

XXIII International Biometric Conference (IBC2006): 16-21 July 2006

The International Biometric Conference, sponsored by the International Biometric Society, is held every two years and brings together statisticians and bioscientists interested in the development and application of statistical and mathematical methods for the biological sciences. The conference was held in Berkeley, California, in 2000; in Freiburg, Germany ( ) in 2002, and in Cairns, Australia ( ) in 2004.
The 2006 meeting will be held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 16-21 July 2006. Please see for information, or contact the chair of the Local Organising Committee, James Hanley by email at

31st Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications: 17-21 July 2006

This conference will be held in Paris, France, 17-21 July 2006. This annual event will be organised under the auspices of the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability and co-sponsored by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics. Detailed information will be posted at

26th European Meeting of Statisticians: 24-28 July 2006

This conference will be held in Torun, Poland. This is the first announcement.
The Chairperson of the Scientific Program Committee is Herold Dehling (Ruhr-Universität Bochum). Adam Jakubowski (Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun) is in the chair of the Local Organising Committee.
The town of Torun, located over the biggest river of Poland, Vistula, is famous for being the place where Nicolaus Copernicus was born in 1473. Torun's main attraction is as the medieval town of Torun, as inscribed in The World Heritage List. The old town of Torun is an example of a small historic trading city that preserves to a remarkable extent its original street pattern and outstanding early buildings, and which provides an exceptionally complete picture of the medieval way of life. For more information on Torun visit

Nicolaus Copernicus University is the main organising institution of the conference. It was founded in 1945, by a group of professors which left Vilnius. The university serves to more than forty thousand students and its campus offers perfect conditions for the conference. Visit to learn more on the University.
The news related to the conference will be published on the conference web page The contact e-mail is

Prague Stochastics 2006: 21-25 August 2006

This conference will be held in Prague, Czech Republic, 21-25 August 2006. It is a joint session of the 7th Prague Symposium on Asymptotic Statistics and the 15th Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Function and Random Processes, organized under the auspices of the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability.
The meeting will be organised by the Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University and the Department of Stochastic Information, Institute of Information and Automation, Czech Academy of Sciences.
The scientific program will be aimed to cover wide range of stochastics with special emphasis on the topics of this lively field which have been pursued in Prague.
Contact Zuzana Praskova, Department of Statistics, Charles University, Sokolovska 83, 186 75 Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC, e-mail, or see for further details.

Invitation to the Bernoulli Society satellite meeting of ISI 2007

As it has been broadly publicised the 56th Session of the ISI will be held in Lisbon in 2007 and satellite meetings are being organized in a few subjects.
We would like to invite people working in the field of Probability and Statistics in Science and Technology to join us in a Bernoulli Society satellite meeting of ISI 2007, to be held at the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Porto, Portugal, after the conference in Lisbon. More information will be available in the meantime.
The Faculty of Engineering at the University of Porto has good facilities and hosts a few scientific conferences and technical meetings each year ( ).

The city of Porto is very easily reachable by plane from many cities in Europe (some connections are even more than once a day) and a few overseas, through its international airport. Connections to Lisbon are good and frequent by train (3 h trip, about every hour), by plain (30 min, several a day) or bus. Porto is also a touristic destination together with the valley of the river Douro and the old town is classified UNESCO World Heritage ( ).
Address for inquiries:
Local Organization: Paula Milheiro,, (+351) 225081923.
Secretary: Clotilde Leite,, (+351) 225081944.
Faculdade de Engenharia, Rua Dr Roberto Frias, s/n, P-4200-465 PORTO, Portugal.
Dates: after the Lisbon ISI’2007 Conference.