Honours for Statisticians and Probabilists

Professor F. Thomas Bruss

Professor F. Thomas Bruss

Prof. F. Thomas Bruss has been awarded the 1st Prize in the Article Competition "Raising Public Awareness of Mathematics" of the European Mathematical Society (EMS). The competition is open to all mathematicians in all fields of Mathematics. The submitted article must has been published in a renowned journal and written in a style which is accessible for the general educated public. Preference is given to candidates who write about their own research contributions. His first prize, Die Kunst der richtigen Entscheidung, explaining the Odds-Theorem of Optimal Stopping, was published in the German edition of the Scientific American (Spektrum der Wissenschaft, June 2005). It has also appeared in the French and Arabic editions of the Scientific American and will appear in English in the Newsletter of the EMS.

Thomas Bruss studied in Saarbrücken, Cambridge and Sheffield. After a career as scientific assistant in Namur (B), he held visiting positions at Strathclyde U. Glasgow, at UC Santa Barbara, at U. of Arizona and at UCLA. Since 1993, he is Prof. of Mathematics at the Université Libre de Bruxelles and currently Chairman of the Math Department. He is a member of the Bernoulli Society, fellow of the IMS, a Feodor-Lynen fellow of the von-Humboldt Foundation and Deruyts-Prize-laureate 2000-2004 of the Belgian Royal Academy of Science.