Kiyosi Itô and Wolfgang Döblin

Life and Legacy of Kiyosi Itô

On the Life and Mathematics of K. Itô and W. Döblin


Life and Legacy of Kiyosi Itô

Abridgement of Masatoshi Fukushima’s presentation at the SPA 2009 in Berlin

Kiyosi Itô was born on September 7, 1915, in Mie prefecture, Japan. His father was a high school teacher on Japanese and Chinese literature. Kiyosi Itô passed away on November 10, 2008, at the age of 93. He entered Tokyo University, Department of Mathematics, in 1935 and graduated from it in 1938. After graduation, he worked in the Statistical Bureau of the Government in Tokyo until he became an Associate Professor at Nagoya University in 1943. During this period, he was also awarded a research grant of the government, and thanks to the kindness of the head of the Bureau, he was able to spend enough time on his research in the Department of Mathematics at Tokyo University.

In 1942, Itô published his first two papers [I1, I2]. The first one [I1] presented what is nowadays called the Lévy-Itô decomposition of a Lévy process. The second one [I2] was in a mimeographed handwritten Japanese journal issued from Osaka University and contained already the stochastic integral, stochastic differential equations with Lipschitz coefficients and Itô's formula. It is still hard for me to imagine how such big results could be attained in such a short period of time starting from almost nothing.
In a film, K. Itô explains how he started to work in probability theory: “In 1935 I visited with my classmates Kodaira and Kawata a bookstore, a foreign book dealer in Tokyo, and encountered Kolmogorov’s book [K1]. Kodaira told me that this is said to be Probability Theory. Of course, I knew what the word “Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung” meant. But I did not take it seriously at that time. After 1937, I got gradually interested in Probability Theory and realized that this book by Kolmogorov is what I had been truly looking for. Since then, I have kept it as the firm cornerstone in my mathematical thinking while advancing ahead. From my high school days, I was very fond of mathematical descriptions in mechanics. I preferred Mathematics to Physics as it is more rigorous, but I was also concerned with the practical use of mathematics.
In the mathematical community of Japan, Probability Theory was not recognized as an independent branch of mathematics. I strongly felt that Probability Theory should be of its own interest and of its own significance as a new field in science, not just something subordinate to other branches of mathematics like Fourier Analysis, Differential Equations, etc.
When I came across the book of P. Lévy [L] where the processes of independent increments were studied on the sample path level and the Lévy-Khintchine formula was then derived by taking an

expectation, I was extremely impressed. I keenly realized that Probability Theory must be developed in this way. But, for P. Lévy, compound Poisson processes were well-known objects that had arisen in practical problems of insurance and he might have reached a general Lévy process quite constructively as their possible limit without big surprise. I then made the presentation in [L] more rigorous with a help of the idea in [D] on the concept of the regular (càdlàg) version of the sample path.
With this experience, I turned to a construction of a Markov process interpreting Kolmogorov's analytic approach in [K2] in the following way: the sample path of a Markov process (in the diffusion case) is a continuous curve possessing as its tangent at each time instant t the infinitesimal Gaussian process

I spent almost one year by repeatedly drawing pictures of such curves before arriving at a right formulation of stochastic differential equations.
My first daughter was 2 years old, and I remember that she said “Daddy is always drawing pictures of kites!” However, such a drawing convinced myself that a general coefficient of the equation ought to be a functional of the whole past of events
, a process adapted to a filtration in the modern term, and that it is really an infinite dimensional and non-linear object.
A few years after the end of the Second World War, Itô sent J.L. Doob a manuscript of an extended English version of his 1942 Japanese paper asking for a possible publication in the USA. No Japanese journal at that time allowed such a long paper due to the shortage of paper. Doob immediately appreciated its significance and kindly arranged its publication in [I3].
Itô became a Professor of Kyoto University in 1952. He was also a Professor of Stanford University (1961-1964), Aarhus University (1966-1969) and Cornell University (1969-1975), respectively. During these periods of being abroad, Itô occasionally came back to Kyoto and gave very influential lectures on branching processes, point processes of excursions and so on. He retired from Kyoto University in 1979. He was then a Professor of Gakushuin University, Tokyo, until 1985.
From 1954 to 1956, Itô was a Fellow of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton University, where W. Feller had started his investigation of the one dimensional diffusion processes.

He tells the following about this period: “When I was in Princeton, Feller calculated repeatedly for a one dimensional diffusion with a simple generator
the quantities like

In the beginning, I wondered why he was repeating so simple computations as exercises. However, in this way, he was bringing out intrinsic topological invariants that do not depend on the differential structure. I understood that the one dimensional diffusion is a topological concept but I was not as thoroughgoing as Feller.
When Feller told me about this, he said he once listened to a lecture by Hilbert who mentioned “Study a very simple case very profoundly, then you will truly understand a general case.’’ I like to convey these words by Hilbert to you.

Masatoshi Fukushima, Toyonaka Osaka


[D] J.L. Doob (1937), Stochastic processes depending on a continuous parameter, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 42, pp. 107-140.
[I1] K. Itô (1942), On stochastic processes (infinitely divisible laws of probability) (Ph.D. Thesis), Japan. Journ. Math. 18, pp. 261-301.
[I2] K. Itô (1942), Differential equations determining a Markoff process (in Japanese), Journ. Pan-Japan Math. Coll. 1077 (English translation in Kiyosi Itô Selected Papers, pp. 42-75, Springer, 1986)
[I3] K. Itô (1951), On stochastic differential equations, Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 4, pp. 1-51.
[K1] A. Kolmogorov (1933), Grundbegriffe der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung, Springer, Berlin.
[K2] A. Kolmogorov (1931), Über die analytischen Methoden in der Wahrscheilichkeitsrechnung, Math. Ann. 104, pp. 415-458
[L] P. Lévy (1937), Théorie de l'Addition des Variables Aléatoires, Gauthier-Villars, Paris.


On the Life and Mathematics of K. Itô and W. Döblin

Abridgement of Peter Imkeller’s introductory presentation at the Itô-Döblin event at the SPA Conference 2009 in Berlin

Kiyosi Itô was born on September 7, 1915, in Hokuseicho, Mie prefecture, Japan. He died last year on November 10, 2008, in Kyoto, at the age of 93. Between these two dates lies an extremely successful career: in particular, the creation of modern stochastic analysis with the central notion of the stochastic integral in his paper from 1942, “On stochastic processes”, that provides a probabilistic underpinning of Kolmogorov's analytical approach to diffusion theory. Without these fundamental concepts, many areas of the theory of stochastic processes that are the subject of this conference are unimaginable. For his outstanding work, Itô received numerous prizes, and many honorary doctorates. He was elected to the Academies of Sciences in Japan, the US and France. Post-war Germany had no National Academy until recently. From our perspective, Itô's work was honored by the Gauss prize sponsored by IMU and DMV. And Itô received the renowned Israeli Wolf prize.
Only about half a year before Itô, on March 17, 1915, Wolfgang Döblin, second son of the German-Jewish novelist Alfred Döblin, was born in Berlin. His family emigrated to Paris in 1933 and Wolfgang became French. He studied mathematics at the Sorbonne, did a doctorate with M. Fréchet in probability, was drafted for the French army in 1938. When German troops were advancing in Eastern France in summer 1940, his military unit in disarray, he took his life on June 21, 1940, in a barn in Housseras, at the age of 25. In the last two of these 25 years, during his military service, and in the period following the German attack on Poland, known in France as la drôle de guerre, he had worked on a manuscript which he decided to send as a sealed envelope (pli cacheté) to the archive of the Académie des Sciences in Paris. He was never able to withdraw the envelope himself, so his manuscript was shut away in the archive for 60 years, and made accessible only in 2000 after his brother Claude had given his consent.
Though Itô and Döblin were born almost at the same time, it is hard to imagine two more contrasting careers. If it comes to their mathematical goals, however, surprising similarities appear. This is already indicated in the title of Döblin's pli cacheté manuscript Sur l'équation de Kolmogoroff. Roughly, as Bernard Bru and Marc Yor found out after it was opened in 2000 in Paris, in the school pupils' exercise book in which Döblin had scribbled his notes, were hidden elements of a weak form of Itô's stochastic approach to Kolmogorov's parabolic PDE.
I cannot and do not want to be more specific on the relationship of the mathematical work of Itô and Döblin at this point, and also not reveal more about the tragic background story. To continue elaborating on this from the mathematical perspective, I am glad and proud to present to you two outstanding mathematicians, who have worked in the footsteps of both Itô and Döblin, Masatoshi Fukushima from Osaka and Hans Föllmer from Berlin.
Masatoshi Fukushima received his Ph.D. with Kiyosi Itô as advisor. He is globally known and renowned for his pioneering work at the interface of stochastic processes and analysis, the mathematical field starting at Kolmogorov's and Itô's approaches to the heat diffusion, with a modern focus on Dirichlet forms. He will now talk about his impressions of the life and legacy of his teacher Kiyosi Itô.
I am now very proud to announce my colleague Hans Föllmer. Hans is a globally recognized pioneer in the area of stochastic analysis and finance. On the first sight a different area, his work witnesses the striking efficiency of mathematical concepts. Namely, Itô's and Döblin's work, starting in paradigms of physics, can nowadays also be seen as fundamental for mathematical finance. Hans will talk about Döblin's work and the link to Itô's.
We now return to the tragic background of Wolfgang Döblin's short career. I must confess that during my years of study of Mathematics and Physics at the University of Munich when I heard, in my first course on Markov processes, about the famous Döblin coupling technique, I thought that the novel “Berlin Alexanderplatz” had just been written by a multi-talent in literature and mathematics. Only after 2000, French friends told me about the pli cacheté and the tragic story of the writer Alfred's mathematician son Wolfgang. The story left me dumbfounded when I first heard of it.
Probably the same happened to two journalists from Hamburg and Amsterdam, Agnes Handwerk and Harrie Willems, who are both present in this room, and who got seized by the extraordinary story. They first met with Bernard Bru, professor at the university Paris 5. He reported about how in 1991 at the Acadèmie des Sciences in Paris he came to know of the existence of a sealed envelope, while preparing a meeting in the US in memory of Wolfgang Döblin, organized by Kai-Lai Chung and Joe Doob. Bernard Bru encouraged the journalists to work on a documentary about the story. They produced a radio presentation, followed by a video film. It is this video film, also available as a DVD from Springer that we will now present to you. Please enjoy it.

Peter Imkeller, Berlin

Further information about the conference event on Tuesday featuring K. Itô and W. Döblin and the tragic story about the sealed envelope can be found in
[1] M. Fukushima: On the works of Kiyosi Itô and stochastic analysis. Japanese Journal of Mathematics 2 (2007), 45-53
[2] B. Bru, M. Yor: Comments on the life and mathematical legacy of Wolfgang Doeblin, Finance and Stochastics 6 (2002), pp. 3-47.
[3] P. Imkeller, S. Roelly: Die Wiederentdeckung eines Mathematikers: Wolfgang Döblin, Mitteilungen der Deutschen Mathematikervereinigung 15 (2007), pp. 154 - 159, ISSN 0947-4471.
[4] Rediscovered Proof: Wolfgang Döblin. IMS Bulletin 38 (3), pp. 8-9.
[5] Handwerk, H. Willems: Wolfgang Doeblin A Mathematician Rediscovered, DVD, PAL, (English, French and German), Springer, Berlin 2007, ISBN 978-3-540-71959-5.