Bernoulli Society Bulletin e-Briefs issue 19

Bernoulli Society Bulletin e-Briefs issue 19


For information to be considered in the next issue, please contact Leonardo T. Rolla This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by May 31.


* New Scientific Secretary

Prof. Nakahiro Yoshida is stepping down as Bernoulli Society Scientific Secretary from the end of March 2015. We are very grateful to him for his service to Bernoulli Society in this role since 2009, and we will miss him!

Council has approved the President and President-Elect's nomination of Prof. Byeong Park to replace Prof. Yoshida as Scientific Secretary. Prof. Yoshida has kindly agreed to help during a handover period up to Rio 2015.

* New members of the European Regional Committee of the Bernoulli Society

The European Regional Committee of the Bernoulli Society is pleased to announce the following new members, whose terms began on January 01, 2015: Jesus Lopez Fidalgo (Spain), Nial Friel (Ireland), Maria Karlsson (Sweden), Jan Mielniczuk (Poland), Richard Nickl (UK) Mihael Perman (Slovenia), Monica Pratesi (Italy) and Sylvain Sardy (Switzerland).

We take this opportunity to thank the following retiring members of the committee: Pier Luigi Conti, Daniel Hlubinka, Teresa Ledwina, Havard Rue, Alexandre Tsybakov, Eugenia Stoimenova and Vladimir Vatutin.


2.1 - Events sponsored and co-sponsored by Bernoulli Society

* 9th International Conference on Extreme Value Analysis, Ann Arbor, USA, June 15-19

The 9th international conference on Extreme Value Analysis will feature recent research on the probability and statistics of extreme value phenomena and applications to: climate and weather; finance; insurance; engineering and computer science.

* 30th European Meeting of Statisticians, Amsterdam, July 6-10

The European Meeting of Statisticians is the main conference in statistics and probability in Europe. The program includes the Lectures by Peter Buehlmann, Gunnar Carlson, Lutz Duembgen, Gesine Reinert, Omiros Papaspiliopoulos, Gerard Ben Arous and Brian Caffo, as well as 25 invited sessions, 12 organised contributed sessions, about 200 contributed papers and a poster session.

Deadline for registration: June 01.

* 38th Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Oxford, July 13-17

Hosted by the Oxford-Man Institute of Quantitative Finance, the Mathematical Institute and the Department of Statistics of the University of Oxford and organised under the auspices of the Bernouilli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability, this conference will bring together about 450 contributors, featuring topics ranging from representation theory, algebra and partial differential equations, through to data science, control theory and data assimilation. Participants are encouraged to contribute through poster sessions, talks and informal conversations.

Plenary speakers: Alexei Borodin; Michael Cranston; Bénédicte Haas; Alan Hammond; Haya Kaspi; Michel Ledoux; Régine Marchand; Grégory Miermont; Jason Miller; Sandrine Péché; Christophe Sabot; Scott Sheffield; Andrew Stuart; Terence Tao; Augusto Teixeira; Boris Tsirelson. List of Invited Sessions at the webpage.

Deadline for contributed talks and posters: April 18. Deadline for early bird registration fee: April 30.

* 60th World Statistics Congress - ISI2015, Rio Janeiro, July 26-31

The WSC is the flagship conference of the International Statistical Institute (ISI) and its seven associations. The congress will bring together members of the statistical community to present, discuss, promote and disseminate research and best practice in every field of Statistics and its applications. There are over 400 invited speakers, another 400 in special topic sessions. Full list of invited speakers and special sessions at the webpage. Registration is now open.

Deadline for early-bird registration fee: April 17.

* Stochastic Analysis and its Applications, Ulan Bator, Mongolia, July 27 - August 07

Hosted by the School of Mathematics and Computer Science at the National University of Mongolia, the two-week research school will look at an extensive programme of classical and contemporary topics from the theory of stochastic analysis, as well as its applications. There will be an extensive exposition covering the insertion of stochastics into biology, economics, random matrix theory, optimal stopping and control, combinatorial models, self-similarity and of course SDEs and PDEs.

Deadline for registration: May 10.

* 19th European Young Statisticians Meeting, Prague, August 31 - September 04

The European Young Statisticians Meetings are held every two years under the auspices of the European Regional Committee of the Bernoulli Society. Every participant is expected to submit an abstract and a short paper for conference proceedings and to give a twenty minutes talk introducing his/her research field to a wide audience. There are no parallel sessions.

Invited speakers: Irene Gijbels, Marie Hušková, Adam Jakubowski, Geurt Jongbloed and Thomas Mikosch.

Deadline for registration and paper submission: April 15.

2.2 - Other events

* Disordered Models of Mathematical Physics, Valparaíso, Chile, July 21-24

The workshop Disordered Models of Mathematical Physics is a satellite meeting of the XVIII International Congress on Mathematical Physics. The main focus of the workshop will be recent developments in probabilistic models arising from problems in mathematical physics.

Confirmed spekers: Daniel Ahlberg, Louis-Pierre Arguin, Antonio Auffinger, Yuri Bakhtin, Paul Bourgade, Anton Bovier, Nicolas Curien, Davar Khoshnevisan, Brian Rider, Leonardo Rolla, Alexandre Stauffer, Maria Eulália Vares, Jun Yin, Ofer Zeitouni.

* XIX Brazilian School on Probability, Maresias, August 03-08

The Brazilian School of Probability has been organized each year since 1997 by initiative of the Brazilian probabilistic community and planned as a forum for the discussion of new ideas and developments in Probability and related areas. The school proceedings will be published in a special volume of Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, an IMS supported journal. Registration is now open, and some support  for PhD students and Post-Docs is available.

Minicourses by Amaury Lamber and Ofer Zeitouni. Plenary Lectures: Augusto Teixeira, Daniel Valesin, David Belius, Eric Cator, Francis Comets, Iddo Ben Ari, Krishnamurthi Ravishankar, Nathanaël Berestycki, Pablo Groisman, Roberto Imbuzeiro Oliveira, and Vladimir Vatutin.

* Analytical Methods in Statistics - AMISTAT 2015, Prague, November 10-13

The workshop is an opportunity to meet, exchange ideas, and to discuss topics on solved and unsolved problems of mathematical statistics, concerning the following subjects: Fisher information; parameter and function estimation; characterization problems; sufficiency, ancillarity and exponential families; generalized linear models; signal plus noise models; stochastic inequalities; asymptotics versus non-asymptotics; other related subjects of your recent interest.

Main speakers: Abram M. Kagan, Ildar Ibragimov, Hira L. Koul, Sakhanenko Aleksandr Ivanovich, Winfried Stute, Alexander Goldenshluger. No conference fee is collected, but prior registration is desired.

* 21st International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Queensland, Australia, November 29 - December 04

The Biannual MODSIM2015 congress of the Modelling and Simulations Society of Australia and New Zealand is to be held with the theme "partnering with industry and the community for innovation and impact through modelling". Expressions of Interest should include a title and summary for those who intend to submit a full paper or extended abstract for presentation at the conference. List of sessions available at the webpage.

Deadline for proposing a talk: April 10.


* Han Liu receives 2015 Tweedie Award

The Institute of Mathematical Statistics has selected Han Liu as the winner of this year's Tweedie New Researcher Award. The IMS Travel Awards Committee, selected Dr. Liu, "for fundamental and outstanding contributions to the theory and methods of nonparametric and semiparametric graphical models, with innovative applications in brain science and genomics."


The World of Statistics -the successor to the highly successful International Year of Statistics (Statistics2013) campaign celebrated in 2013- is a global network of nearly 2,360 organizations worldwide committed to:

- Increasing public awareness of the power and impact of statistics on all aspects of society
- Nurturing statistics as a profession, especially among young people
- Promoting creativity and development in the sciences of probability and statistics

Participating organizations in The World of Statistics include national and international professional statistical societies, colleges and universities, primary and secondary schools, businesses, government statistical agencies, and research institutes. These organizations are located in 131 countries spanning the globe.

Last newsletter:



* Recent issues of official publications of the Bernoulli Society

Stochastic Processes and their Applications 125 (4-7)
Bernoulli 21 (1)

* Co-sponsored publications

Have a look at for the latest articles in Electronic Communications in Probability, Electronic Journal of Probability, Electronic Journal of Statistics, Probability Surveys and Statistics Surveys.

* Bernoulli News

Latest issue at

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