Bernoulli Society Bulletin e-Briefs issue 20

Bernoulli Society Bulletin e-Briefs issue 20


For information to be considered in the next issue, please contact Leonardo T. Rolla This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by August 31.


* Bernoulli Society General Assembly

The Bernoulli Society General Assembly will be held at the 60th World Statistics Congress - ISI2015, Rio Janeiro (see Events below) on Friday, July 30 at 12:30. You are warmly encouraged to attend!

* Evarist Giné-Masdéu (1944-2015)

Evarist Giné-Masdéu passed away on the 13th of March in Hartford, Connecticut. He has been a main contributor and co-creator of several branches of modern probability theory that have been profoundly influential, in particular in statistics and learning theory. Evarist was made a fellow of the IMS in 1984, elected member of the ISI in 1991, became a corresponding member of the Institut d’Estudis Catalans in 1996, and gave a Medallion lecture at the 2004 world congress of the Bernoulli society in Barcelona. A conference was held on the occasion of Evarist’s 70th birthday in June 2014 in Cambridge, UK, to honour his mathematical achievements. The great respect and admiration for his mathematics and his great personality were shared by the many friends and colleagues. That Evarist is gone leaves a great emptiness in the mathematical community. For those who knew him personally and worked with him, he will always remain a great friend with whom they spent endless hours talking mathematics at the board or in his warm and hospitable house.

* Wolfgang Doeblin Prize for Outstanding Research in Probability

The Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability welcomes nominations for the third Wolfgang Doeblin Prize to be awarded at the 9th World Congress of Probability and Statistics, Toronto 2016. Each nomination should offer a brief case in support and should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by November 30.

Founded in 2011, the prize is awarded bi-annually to a single individual for outstanding research in the field of probability theory, and who is at the beginning of their mathematical career.

* Next Editor-in-Chief of Stochastic Processes and their Applications

The Bernoulli Society has great pleasure in announcing that Professor Herold Dehling of Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum will serve as the next Editor-in-Chief of the Elsevier journal Stochastic Processes and their Applications, in succession to the current Editor-in-Chief, Professor Takashi Kumagai. Professor Dehling informs us that the effective date of handover will be April 1, 2015, and that his term of service concludes end March 31, 2018. We are extremely grateful to both these distinguished scientists for their tireless and influential service, both past, present and future.


* Bernoulli Society Named Lectures for the World Congress at Toronto 2016

Bernoulli Society is pleased to announce the following named lecturers for the World Congress of Probability and Statistics at Toronto 2016:

- Laplace Lecture: Byeong Park (Seoul National University, South Korea)
- Bernoulli Lecture: Valerie Isham (University College London, UK)
- Kolmogorov Lecture: Ruth Williams (UC San Diego, USA)
- Lévy Lecture: Servet Martinez (Universidad de Chile)
- Tukey Lecturer: David Brillinger (UC Berkeley, USA)

The names were proposed by a special committee for Bernoulli invited lectures, and approved by Bernoulli Society Executive Committee.

* Schramm Lecture 2017

Richard Kenyon (Brown University, USA) has accepted the invitation by IMS and Bernoulli to present this lecture at the Moscow SPA, which is scheduled for 24-28 July 2017.


3.1 - Events sponsored and co-sponsored by Bernoulli Society

* 30th European Meeting of Statisticians, Amsterdam, July 6-10

The European Meeting of Statisticians is the main conference in statistics and probability in Europe. The program includes the Lectures by Peter Buehlmann, Gunnar Carlson, Lutz Duembgen, Gesine Reinert, Omiros Papaspiliopoulos, Gerard Ben Arous and Brian Caffo, as well as 25 invited sessions, 12 organised contributed sessions, about 200 contributed papers and a poster session.

* 38th Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Oxford, July 13-17

Organised under the auspices of the Bernouilli Society, this conference will bring together about 450 contributors, featuring topics ranging from representation theory, algebra and partial differential equations, through to data science, control theory and data assimilation.

Plenary speakers: Alexei Borodin; Michael Cranston; Bénédicte Haas; Alan Hammond; Haya Kaspi; Michel Ledoux; Régine Marchand; Grégory Miermont; Jason Miller; Sandrine Péché; Christophe Sabot; Scott Sheffield; Andrew Stuart; Terence Tao; Augusto Teixeira; Boris Tsirelson. List of Invited Sessions at the webpage.

Deadline for poster submission: June 12.

* 60th World Statistics Congress - ISI2015, Rio Janeiro, July 26-31

The WSC is the flagship conference of the International Statistical Institute (ISI) and its seven associations. The congress will bring together members of the statistical community to present, discuss, promote and disseminate research and best practice in every field of Statistics and its applications. There are over 400 invited speakers, another 400 in special topic sessions. Full list of invited speakers and special sessions at the webpage. Registration is now open.

Deadline for online registration fee: July 17.

* Stochastic Analysis and its Applications, Ulan Bator, Mongolia, July 27 - August 07

Hosted by the School of Mathematics and Computer Science at the National University of Mongolia, the two-week research school will look at an extensive programme of classical and contemporary topics from the theory of stochastic analysis, as well as its applications. There will be an extensive exposition covering the insertion of stochastics into biology, economics, random matrix theory, optimal stopping and control, combinatorial models, self-similarity and of course SDEs and PDEs.

* 19th European Young Statisticians Meeting, Prague, August 31 - September 04

The European Young Statisticians Meetings are held every two years under the auspices of the European Regional Committee of the Bernoulli Society. Every participant is expected to submit an abstract and a short paper for conference proceedings and to give a twenty minutes talk introducing his/her research field to a wide audience. There are no parallel sessions.

Invited speakers: Irene Gijbels, Marie Hušková, Adam Jakubowski, Geurt Jongbloed and Thomas Mikosch.

3.2 - Other events

* 18th INFORMS Applied Probability Society Conference, Istanbul, July 5-8

The Applied Probability Society is a subdivision of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS). The Society is concerned with the application of probability theory to systems that involve random phenomena. The 18th INFORMS Applied Probability Conference will take place on the campus of Koç University in Istanbul, Turkey.

Plenary Speakers: Halil Mete Soner, John N. Tsitsiklis, Kavita Ramanan.

* Disordered Models of Mathematical Physics, Valparaíso, Chile, July 21-24

The workshop Disordered Models of Mathematical Physics is a satellite meeting of the XVIII International Congress on Mathematical Physics. The main focus of the workshop will be recent developments in probabilistic models arising from problems in mathematical physics.

Confirmed speakers: Daniel Ahlberg, Louis-Pierre Arguin, Antonio Auffinger, Yuri Bakhtin, Paul Bourgade, Anton Bovier, Nicolas Curien, Davar Khoshnevisan, Brian Rider, Leonardo T. Rolla, Alexandre Stauffer, Maria E. Vares, Jun Yin, Ofer Zeitouni.

* XIX Brazilian School on Probability, Maresias, August 03-08

The Brazilian School of Probability has been organized each year since 1997 by initiative of the Brazilian probabilistic community and planned as a forum for the discussion of new ideas and developments in Probability and related areas. The school proceedings will be published in a special volume of Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, an IMS supported journal. Registration is now open, and some support for PhD students and postdocs is available.

Minicourses by Amaury Lambert and Ofer Zeitouni. Plenary Lectures: Augusto Teixeira, Daniel Valesin, David Belius, Eric Cator, Francis Comets, Iddo Ben Ari, Krishnamurthi Ravishankar, Nathanaël Berestycki, Pablo Groisman, Roberto Imbuzeiro Oliveira, and Vladimir Vatutin.

* CRiSM Workshop Models and Inference in Population Genetics, Warwick, September 14–16

The aims of this workshop are to bring together researchers at the frontiers of probability and statistical inference in population genetics. The workshop is an expanded 2nd edition of a successful one-day event organised in 2012.

Confirmed speakers: Ellen Baake, Mark Beaumont, Matthias Birkner, Jochen Blath, Maria De Iorio, Steve Evans, Bob Griffiths, Asger Hobolth, Carolin Kosiol, Noemi Kurt, Gerton Lunter, Simon Myers, Yun Song, Yee Whye Teh.

Deadline for poster submission: August 01. Deadline for registration: September 04.

* Analytical Methods in Statistics - AMISTAT 2015, Prague, November 10-13

The workshop is an opportunity to meet, exchange ideas, and to discuss topics on solved and unsolved problems of mathematical statistics, concerning the following subjects: Fisher information; parameter and function estimation; characterization problems; sufficiency, ancillarity and exponential families; generalized linear models; signal plus noise models; stochastic inequalities; asymptotics versus non-asymptotics; other related subjects of your recent interest.

Main speakers: Abram M. Kagan, Ildar Ibragimov, Hira L. Koul, Sakhanenko Aleksandr Ivanovich, Winfried Stute, Alexander Goldenshluger. No conference fee is collected, but prior registration is desired.

Deadline for registration and abstracts: September 01.

* 21st Intl Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Queensland, November 29 - December 04

The Biannual MODSIM2015 congress of the Modelling and Simulations Society of Australia and New Zealand is to be held with the theme "partnering with industry and the community for innovation and impact through modelling". Expressions of Interest should include a title and summary for those who intend to submit a full paper or extended abstract for presentation at the conference. List of sessions available at the webpage.

Deadline for early bird registration: August 28.


We are pleased to inaugurate a section with job offers, which can range from graduate scholarships to Full Professor positions, in Probability, Statistics, Theoretical Physics, and Mathematics. Those who are aware of public calls for applications may send a contribution directly to the editor.

* Global Platform Recruitment for Research Leaders, Heriot-Watt University

Heriot-Watt University is creating around 20 additional professorial and other academic posts per year, over the next 5 years, across a range of disciplines, continuing growth at Heriot-Watt’s international campuses in Edinburgh, Galashiels, Orkney, Dubai and Malaysia. Positions range from Assistant Professor to Full Professor, salary ranges around 30,000 to 56,000 GBP.

* Associate and Assistant Professor, University of Campinas, Brazil

The Statistics Department has tenured positions of Associate and Assistant Professor, for candidates with demonstrated capacity for independent research. Commencing salary around 130,000 BRL for Assistant Professors.

* Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen

The Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, is looking for an an internationally renowned researcher at a very high level, expert in Statistics or Probability Theory. Commencing salary around 444,000 DKK.

Deadline: September 25.

* Lecturer, University of Liverpool

The Institute for Financial and Actuarial Mathematics of the University of Liverpool is seeking to appoint a Lecturer in the area of Actuarial and Financial Mathematics. The position may be taken on a Part-Time or Full-Time basis, including a Job Share. Commencing salary around 32,000 to 49,000 GBP.

Deadline: July 01.

* Postdoctorate, University of Buenos Aires

Applications are invited for postdoctoral positions in Percolation, Particle Systems, and Stochastic Networks. The positions last two years and have a monthly stipend of around 14,000 ARS, to start in April 2016.

Deadline: June 15.

* Graduate student, Maxwell Institute, Edinburgh

The Maxwell Institute Graduate School in Analysis and its Applications offers a fully-funded 4-year PhD to students interested in Probability and Stochastic Analysis. Applicants should be in the final year of their undergraduate degree, or working to complete an appropriate MSc programme. Applications are considered as they are received, and anyone interested should apply as soon as possible, noting the EPSRC eligibility conditions.


* Recent issues of official publications of the Bernoulli Society

Stochastic Processes and their Applications

* Co-sponsored publications

Have a look at the latest articles in Electronic Communications in Probability, Electronic Journal of Probability, Electronic Journal of Statistics, Probability Surveys and Statistics Surveys.

* Bernoulli News

Latest issue at

© Bernoulli Society