Bernoulli Society Bulletin e-Briefs issue 23

Bernoulli Society Bulletin e-Briefs issue 23

February 2016


For information to be considered in the next issue, please contact Leonardo T. Rolla
See for the deadlines.


* Sad news

Our former president, Peter Gavin Hall, Fellow of Australian Academy of Science, the Royal Society of London, and National Academy of Science of USA, passed away on January 9th, 2016 in Melbourne. Peter Hall has made profound contributions to Statistics as well as to Mathematics, Economics, engineering, physical science and biological science. MathSciNet lists him with 606 publications and 240 distinct co-authors. He was a very kind person, has mentored, helped and influenced many people in Statistics. Peter has also devoted much energy to the advance of Statistics discipline world-wide.

* New statutes

The last General Assembly has approved new statutes for the Bernoulli Society, available at

* Publications Secretary

Our new statutes included a Publications Secretary in the composition of the Executive Committee. Following the new statutes, President Sara van de Geer, after consulting this matter with the Council, appointed Thomas Mikosch for the office, which should be confirmed at the next General Assembly.

* New chairs of standing committees and Council members

We are happy to welcome Kavita Ramanan is the new chair of the Committee for Conferences on Stochastic Processes, and Konstantin Zuev as the new chair of the Committee on Probability and Statistics in the Physical Sciences. We also welcome Arup Bose, Valerie Isham, Victor Rivero, Akira Sakai, Lorenzo Zambotti and Johanna Ziegel as new Council members for the term 2015-2019.

* Call for Invited Paper Sessions at ISI World Statistics Congress 2017 Marrakech

You are warmly invited to submit a proposal for Invited Paper Sessions at the 61st ISI World Statistics Congress 2017. Each proposal should include a brief description and justification for the proposed session and a list of speakers and discussants who have agreed to participate. The selection criteria will take into account diversity, scientific quality and impact.

Deadline: February 25. Remember to indicate that your proposal is related to the Bernoulli Society.


* and the Wolfgang Doeblin Prize goes to...

The Prize Committee has reached a decision and chosen the awardee of the third Wolfgang Doeblin Prize. The prize will be announced during the 9th World Congress of Probability and Statistics in Toronto, Canada.


3.1 - Events sponsored and co-sponsored by Bernoulli Society

* UK Easter Probability Meeting 2016, Lancaster, April 04-08

The UK Easter Probability Meeting is a long-standing tradition and is used to bring together the UK probability community. The aim is to discuss recent developments, to speak about future research and also to give PhD students an opportunity to become part of the UK probability community.

Minicourses: Alice Guionnet, Michel Ledoux, Jason Miller, Vladas Sidoravicius. Confirmed speakers: Dmitry Belyaev, Noam Berger, Natasha Blitvic Erwin Bolthausen, Jon Keating, Kay Kirkpatrick, Elizabeth Meckes, Anatoly Vershik, Fredrik Viklund.

Deadline for registration: February 29.

* 4th Institute of Mathematical Statistics Asia Pacific Rim Meeting, Hong Kong, June 27-30

The fourth meeting of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics meeting series, IMS Asia Pacific Rim Meeting, will take place in Hong Kong during June 27-30, 2016. It will provide an excellent forum for scientific communications and collaborations for the researchers in Asia and Pacific Rim, and promote communications and collaborations between the researchers in this area and those from other parts of the world.

Registration now open.

* 9th World Congress of Probability and Statistics, Toronto, July 11-15

The 9th World Congress of Probability and Statistics is the latest in a series organized jointly by the Bernoulli Society and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics. Held every four years, the it is a worldwide event covering all branches of statistics and probability. This includes theoretical, methodological, applied and computational statistics and probability, as well as stochastic processes. The latest scientific developments in all of these fields are showcased.

Confirmed plenary speakers: David Brillinger (Tukey Lecture), Vanessa Didelez (IMS Medallion Lecture), Arnaud Doucet (IMS Medallion Lecture), Sara van de Geer (Wald Lecture), Christina Goldschmidt (IMS Medallion Lecture), Frank den Hollander (IMS Medallion Lecture), Valerie Isham (Bernoulli Lecture), Servet Martínez (Levy Lecture), Pierre del Moral (IMS Medallion Lecture), Byeong Park (Laplace Lecture), Scott Sheffield (Doob Lecture), Ruth Williams (Kolmogorov Lecture), Bin Yu (Rietz Lecture), Ofer Zeitouni (Schramm Lecture).

3.2 - Other events

* 12th German Probability and Statistics Days, Bochum, March 01-04

The DMV-Fachgruppe Stochastik organizes jointly with the Ruhr-Universität Bochum the 12th German Probability and Statistics Days 2016 Bochumer Stochastik-Tage. this meeting provides an international forum for presentation and discussion of new results in the area of probability and statistics. Contributed talks will be given in 12 sections devoted to specific topics; the highlight of each section will be one invited main talk.

Plenary speakers: Sandrine Dudoit, Laszlo Erdös, Martin Hairer, Iain Johnstone, Walter Schachermayer.

* International Conference on Probability Theory and Statistical Physics, Shanghai, March 25-27

The 2016 International Conference on Probability Theory and Statistical Physics focuses on those rapidly developing areas of Probability Theory. The objective of this conference is to bring together a critical mass of international and domestic experts to discuss current research and future directions in the overlapping areas of Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistical Physics.

Student Travel Awards available.

* 12th Conference on Stochastic Networks, San Diego, June 20-24

This week-long event continues a tradition that was started in 1987 and has now become a biennial event. The aim of the conference is to bring together researchers who share an interest in stochastic network models, to survey recent developments, and to identify future research directions.

Speakers: Emmanuel Abbe, Anima Anandkumar, Rami Atar, Francois Baccelli, Maury Bramson, Guy Bresler, Fan Chung Graham, Jim Dai, Itai Gurvich, Weining Kang, Tom Kurtz, Mark Lewis, Yi Lu, Siva Maguluri, Laurent Massoulie, Angelia Nedich, Kavita Ramanan, Philippe Robert, Neil Walton, Galit Yom Tov, Bert Zwart.

Deadline for travel support application and proposal of poster presentation: February 05.

* 26th Nordic Conference in Mathematical Statistics, Copenhagen, June 27-30

The bienniel NORDSTAT conference is organized under the auspices of the Nordic and Baltic statistical societies. This year the Danish Society for Theoretical Statistics is organizing the meeting at the North Campus of University of Copenhagen. The invited sessions cover statistical theory and methodology, probability theory and applications to e.g. city planning, demography and forensics. All participants are encouraged to contribute to the poster session with preceding flash talks.

Plenary speakers: Ingrid Glad, Marloes Matthuis, Richard Samworth, Jonathan Tawn, Arnaud Doucet, Jonathan Taylor and David Lando.

Deadlines: abstract submission March 13, early-bird registration April 11.


Job offers can range from graduate scholarships to full Professor positions, in Probability, Mathematical Statistics, and related areas. Those who are aware of public calls for applications may send a contribution directly to the e-Briefs Editor.

* Postdoctorate, University of Michigan

Postdoctoral fellow in the Statistical Reinforcement Learning Group led by Dr. Susan Murphy. The successful applicant will be expected to develop an innovative research program in multi-stage decision making with a focus on mobile health.

Deadline: July 01.


* Recent issues of official publications of the Bernoulli Society

Stochastic Processes and their Applications


* Co-sponsored publications

Have a look at for the latest articles in Electronic Communications in Probability, Electronic Journal of Probability, Electronic Journal of Statistics, Probability Surveys and Statistics Surveys, as well as International Statistical Review.

* Bernoulli News

Latest issue at

© Bernoulli Society