2023 Kendall Award Call for Nominations
The Award Committee invites nominations for the Bernoulli Society-Royal Statistical Society David G.
Kendall Award for Young Researchers. This biennial award aims to recognize excellent research in
Mathematical Statistics and in Probability Theory. The award is in honor of David G. Kendall, who was
the first president of the Bernoulli Society, and was awarded the Guy Medal in Silver (1955) and in
Gold (1981) of the RSS.
The 2023 edition of the award is organized for young researchers in Mathematical Statistics. The
award consists of the prize amount of 2000€ together with an award certificate. The winner will
deliver the Kendall Lecture during the RSS International Conference 2024. The award should be used
to cover the expenses of attendance at this conference.
Nominees should be researchers with significant achievements and great potential in their research
field, who obtained their PhD after January 1 st , 2015 (up to a year’s credit will be given for each year
taken out due to parental circumstances since receiving the PhD at the committee’s discretion).
Nominees must be members of either the Bernoulli Society or the Royal Statistical Society.
Nominations should be communicated to the Award Committee by sending an email to
and be signed by two members of the BS or the RSS. They must include the name, affiliation, and
brief curriculum vitae (including a list of publications) of the nominee, a statement of no more than
100 words summarising the case for nomination, a list of the best three articles, and a review of no
more than two pages of the nominee's research contributions.
The members of the 2023 Award Committee are
Aad van der Vaart (BS, Chair)
Sara van de Geer (BS)
Charles Taylor (RSS)
Almut Veraart (RSS)
The nomination process is open from 1 April 2023 and closes on 30 June 2023.
The award recipient will be announced in December 2023.
Created: Sunday, 02 April 2023 06:24