Proposals for Invited Paper Session, 2015 ISI World Statistics Congress in Rio de Janeiro
The 2015 ISI World Statistics Congress (WSC) will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil during the period July 27-31, 2015. The Bernoulli Society is soliciting invited paper session (IPS) proposals for the Rio WSC scientific program.

All proposals should be sent to:

Professor Byeong U. Park, The Bernoulli Society Representative for the Rio WSC scientific program, at and

The deadline for submission of IPS proposals is October 4, 2013

The proposal should include:

[1] Name, affiliation, contact email address of the proposer;

[2] Name, affiliation, contact email address of the organizer (if different from the proposer);

[3] Title, description and justification of the proposal

The Bernoulli Society aims at striking a proper balance between statistics and probability in organizing IPS sessions. All proposals will be evaluated and selected by the Bernoulli Society Representative, based on importance of theme and possibility of attracting general audience. If selected, the proposers will be asked to complete their proposals by listing proposed speakers, their affiliations and (tentative) titles of their talks. There will be not much time between the selection of the proposals and the completion of the selected proposals because of a tight schedule. We expect that the successful proposers can have only 5 weeks to complete the selected proposals. Thus, it is advised to think of possible speakers and contact them in advance. The completed proposals will be sent to WSC Scientific Program Committee (SPC) by December 1, 2013, for further evaluation and final selection. The final selection by the WSC-SPC will be based on quality and diversity. Note that ISI is keen for proposals with diversity in region. Proposals with speakers in a single continent will be given a low priority. The Bernoulli Society aims at diversity in age and gender as well. It is suggested to include promising young or women speakers if at all possible.

© Bernoulli Society