
We are pleased to announce the named lectures for the 9th World Congress of Probability and Statistics. The main plenary speakers are:
- Sara van de Geer (Wald Lecture)
- Bin Yu (Rietz Lecture)
- Scott Sheffield (Doob Lecture)
- Ofer Zeitouni (Schramm Lecture)
- Byeong Park (Laplace Lecture)
- Valerie Isham (Bernoulli Lecture)
- Ruth Williams (Kolmogorov Lecture)
- Servet Martinez (Levy Lecture)
- David Brillinger (Tukey Lecture)
- Frank den Hollander (IMS Medallion Lecture)
- Vanessa Didelez (IMS Medallion Lecture)
- Christina Goldschmidt (IMS Medallion Lecture)
- Arnaud Doucet (IMS Medallion Lecture)
- Pierre del Moral (IMS Medallion Lecture)


This is a list of former non-presidential officeholders of the Bernoulli Society Executive Committee as of March 2024.

A list of former presidents can be found at http://www.bernoulli-society.org/about-the-bs.


Scientific Secretary           
1975-1985    Jef Teugels   
1985-1987    Robin Sibson    
1987-1992    Paul Embrechts  
1992-1996    Richard Gill
1996-2000    Wilfrid Kendall    
2000-2004    Enno Mammen    
2004-2008    Arnoldo Frigessi    
2009-2015    Nakahiro Yoshida
2015-2019    Byeong Park   
2019-2023    Song-Xi Chen
2023-2027    Jianfeng (Jeff) Yao

1975-1981    Jim Durbin    
1981-1987    Nils Keiding
1987-1989    R.J. (Bob) Serfling    
1990-1993    Kobus Oosterhof    
1994-1996    Joe Eaton
1997-2001    Allan Gut    
2002-2004    Mathisca de Gunst    
2005-2008    Ursula Gather    
2009-2012    José-Manuel Corcuera
2012-2019    Lynne Billard
2020-2021    Geoffrey Grimmett
2022-2025    Johan Segers

Membership Secretary           
1994-2007    Volker Mammitszch   
2007-2012    Josef Steinebach
2012-2017    Mark Podolskij
2017-2019    Leonardo T. Rolla

2020-2025    Sebastian Engelke

Publications Secretary
2016-2018    Thomas Mikosch
2018-2022    Herold Dehling
2022-2026    Mark Podolskij

Publicity Secretary
2018-2020    Victor Panaretos
2021-2023    Leonardo T. Rolla
2024-2025    Corina Constantinescu   



From now on, members of the Bernoulli Society can get the corresponding discounted price directly from the publisher webpage at http://goo.gl/66jf9D. Therefore, no more orders or payments should be sent to the ISI/BS office.

The Bernoulli Society is introducing new membership structure which will replace the current one from year 2016. The new membership categories include:
- Regular Member: members from developed countries;
- Reduced Rate Member: members from developing countries, first two years of postdoc, retired members, couple members;
- First Year Member: first year membership for regular members;
- Joint Member: BS-IMS and BS-IMS-ISI members;
- Student Member: free membership for PhD students;
- Life Member.

Evarist Giné-Masdéu passed away on the 13th of March in Hartford, Connecticut. He has been a main contributor and co-creator of several branches of modern probability theory that have been profoundly influential, in particular in statistics and learning theory. Evarist was made a fellow of the IMS in 1984, elected member of the ISI in 1991, became a corresponding member of the Institut d’Estudis Catalans in 1996, and gave a Medallion lecture at the 2004 world congress of the Bernoulli society in Barcelona. A conference was held on the occasion of Evarist’s 70th birthday in June 2014 in Cambridge, UK, to honour his mathematical achievements. The great respect and admiration for his mathematics and his great personality were shared by the many friends and colleagues. That Evarist is gone leaves a great emptiness in the mathematical community. For those who knew him personally and worked with him, he will always remain a great friend with whom they spent endless hours talking mathematics at the board or in his warm and hospitable house.http://bulletin.imstat.org/2015/05/obituary-evarist-gine-masdeu-1944-2015/

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