Bernoulli Society Bulletin e-Briefs Issue 39 
February 2020



For information to be considered in the next issue, please contact Carlos Améndola carlos.amendola@tum.de by March 30th.

General News

***Call for nominations of President-Elect and Council Members

At the General Assembly of the Bernoulli Society, held during the 62ndISI World Statistics Congress in Kuala Lumpur, a Nominating Committee was established. It consists of Claudia Klüpperbeg (President of the BS), Adam Jakubowski (President-Elect, Chair), Juan Carlos Abril, Michael Beer, Herod Dehling, Zenghu Li, Marloes Maathuis, Aihua Xia and Song Xi Chen (Scientific Secretary). The task of the committee is to make nominations for the office of President-Elect (2021-2023) and for ordinary Council members for the term 2021-2025. All members of the Bernoulli Society are invited to submit names of possible candidates (with basic information and the web address) to Adam Jakubowski (adjakubo@mat.umk.pl)byMarch 31st, 2020.

***Friends of COPSS

The Bernoulli Society has become a Friend of the Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies: https://community.amstat.org/copss/friends . The Friends of COPSS are affiliated professional societies that also promote discovery and practice of statistical science, but do not hold member status in COPSS. This designation provides an organizational structure to encourage communication and partnerships among statistical societies with an international perspective and broad range of interests.

***New Bernoulli Society Treasurer 

Geoffrey Grimmett (Cambridge, UK) has become our new Treasurer, succeeding Lynne Billard. Many thanks to Lynne for her hard work over the last years!

***New Chair of CCSP

Christina Goldschmidt (Oxford University) has been elected as the new Chair of the Committee for Conferences on Stochastic Processes (CCSP) for a two-year term 2020-2021. We thank the previous chair Zhen-Qing Chen for his service!

***Bernoulli Journal Lecture at 63rdISI World Congress

Johannes Schmid-Hieber (University of Twente) was chosen to give the Bernoulli Journal Lecture at the World Statistics Congress (ISI-WSC 2021) in The Hague. Details on Johannes’ research can be found at https://wwwhome.ewi.utwente.nl/~schmidtaj/.

***Bernoulli Prize for an Outstanding Survey Article

The 3rd Bernoulli Prize for an Outstanding Survey Article was awarded to Alexei Borodin and Leonid Petrov for the article Integrable probability: From representation theory to Macdonaldprocesses. Probability Surveys, v.11:1-58, 2014. Congratulations! More information on the prize at http://www.bernoulli-society.org/index.php/prizes?id=156 .

***SLAPEM announces winners of 2019 Aranda-Ordaz Prize

The winners were announced during the XV CLAPEM in Mérida, México. For Statistics, they were Leonardo Fabián Moreno Romero (Uruguay) and María Antonella Gieco (Argentina). In the field of Probability, the winner was Avelio Sepúlveda (Switzerland) and there was an honorable mention for Érika B. Roldán Roa (México). Congratulations to all!

***Bernoulli Society New Researcher Award 2021

The BS welcomes applications for the award. Each awardee shall deliver a talk at a special invited session during the ISI-WSC 2021, and will receive a funding up to 1000€ to offset travel and other expenses. Bernoulli News will publish their pictures and a paragraph about their work. Eligible candidates are active researchers in Mathematical Statistics who obtained the PhD degree on or after March 1st, 2015, and who are regular members of the Bernoulli Society. Female candidates get 1 extra year for each child born since receiving the PhD.

Candidates should apply through the web formhttps://forms.gle/6GPPnU6FP59vJ9ev6 and send required documents to the e-mail address indicated there. Deadline isMarch 1st, 2020.

***Site visit to Bochum

On January 28, 2020, Claudia Klüppelberg, President of the Bernoulli Society, and Adam Jakubowski, President-Elect, visited Ruhr-Universität Bochum, the site of the 11thBernoulli-IMS World Congress in Probability and Statistics to be held in 2024. The inspection of the infrastructure as well as the meeting with members of the Local Organizing Committee confirmed that the preparations to the World Congress 2024 are on the right track.

Events sponsored and co-sponsored by Bernoulli Society

***Bernoulli-IMS 10thWorld Congress in Probability and Statistics (BS-IMS-WC)
[Annual BS Meeting]

August 17 - 21, 2020

Seoul, South Korea


The congress is the latest in a series organized jointly by the Bernoulli Society and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics. Held every four years, the Congress is a worldwide event covering all branches of statistics and probability. This includes theoretical, methodological, applied and computational statistics and probability, as well as stochastic processes. The latest scientific developments in all of these fields are showcased. It will be held at the Seoul National University. Registration is already open and the deadline for abstract submission isMarch 31st, 2020.

***23rd Conference of the Romanian Society of Probability and Statistics

April 24 - 25, 2020

Timisoara, Romania

Since 1991, the annual conference of the Romanian Society of Probability and Statistics brings together academics and students from Romania and abroad to discuss recent developments in research in probability theory and mathematical statistics. This year, the conference will be held at UPT (Politehnica University of Timisoara).

***Frontier Probability Days (FPD’20)

May 8 - 10, 2020

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA


The Frontier Probability Days is a regional workshop, taking place in 2020 at the University of Nevada. Itspurpose is to bring together mathematicians, both regionally and globally, who have an interest in probability and its applications. FPD aims to complement other regional conferences in Probability that are held annually elsewhere in the United States.

***International Symposium on Nonparametric Statistics (ISNPS2020)

June 15 - 19, 2020

Paphos, Cyprus


The conference will bring forth recent advances and trends in several areas of nonparametric statistics, in order to facilitate the exchange of research ideas, promote collaboration among researchers from all over the world, and contribute to the further development of the field. The program will include plenary talks, special invited talks, invited talks, contributed talks and posters on all areas of nonparametric statistics.

***6thIMS Asia Pacific Rim Meeting

January 5 - 8, 2021

Melbourne, Australia

The Institute of Mathematical Statistics APRM will provide an excellent forum for scientific communications and collaborations for the researchers in Asia and the Pacific Rim, and promote communications and collaborations between the researchers in this area and those from other parts of the world. The program covers a wide range of topics in statistics and probability, presenting recent developments and the state of the art in a variety of modern research topics and in applications Invited session proposals are now being considered.

***Rényi 100 Conference

June 28 - July 1, 2021

Budapest, Hungary

Alfréd Rényi was born on the 20th of March 1921. To celebrate this occasion, the Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences are organizing a high-profile conference, representing modern probability, graph theory and networks, information theory, dynamical systems, number theory and other fields in Rényi's spirit. That is: not respecting strictly the borders between these and possibly other areas of pure and applied mathematics.

***63rdISI World Statistics Congress 2021 (ISI-WSC)

July 11 - July 15, 2021

Hague, Netherlands

The congress series is organized by the International Statistical Institute (ISI) and the Bernoulli Society is participating in the series as an association of ISI. It brings together statisticians and data scientists from academia, health sector and business, junior and senior professionals, in an inviting environment.

***42ndConference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications (SPA 2021)

July 12 - 16, 2021

Wuhan, China

SPA Conferences are organized under patronage of the Bernoulli Society and can justifiably be regarded as the most important international scientific meeting on the theory and applications of stochastic processes. They are held annually except for the years when the World Congress in Probability and Statistics takes place. The next iteration will be hosted by Wuhan University.


Job Offers

*Assistant Professor at Universidade de São Paulo. The Statistics department at Universidade de São Paulo invites applications for two assistant professor full-time positions in Probability and Statistics. Applications are welcome in any research areas in Probability and Statistics that complement and strengthen the current research of members of the Statistics department at USP. The position-holders will develop, lead and sustain research of international standard in Probability and/or Statistics, contribute to teaching and project supervision at undergraduate and graduate levels. Deadline isMarch 24, 2020. Applications only at:https://uspdigital.usp.br/gr/admissao

*Professorship in Stochastics at Ulm University. The Faculty of Mathematics and Economics, Institute of Stochastics, is seeking to fill the position, starting 1 October 2020, of Professor (W3) of Stochastics (m/f/d). Candidates should have an internationally outstanding research and teaching record in Stochastics (Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics). The research focus should be in the area of Stochastics. Research with references to applications in the natural or life sciences or in engineering as well as experience in the acquistion of third party funding are desirable. Full details can be found at:https://stellenangebote.uni-ulm.de/jobposting/7b759fc376141bdb746c0b8009e7435c663aa49b


Recent Issues of Official and Sponsored Publications

* Recent issues of official publications of the Bernoulli Society

Bernoulli http://goo.gl/yJywLg,

Stochastic Processes and their Applications http://goo.gl/JCahtH

* Co-sponsored publications

Have a look at http://goo.gl/7EP2cZfor the latest articles in Electronic Communications in Probability, Electronic Journal of Probability, Electronic Journal of Statistics, Probability Surveys, Statistics Surveys, and ALEA.

* Bernoulli News

Latest issue at http://goo.gl/nRDPYo

© Bernoulli Society