
Further news and details on some of the information below can be found in:

Please see also the list of upcoming conferences and meetings.

Announcements and News

James R. Norris, Statistics Laboratory of the Centre for Mathematical Sciences in Cambridge, was elected as chair of the Committee for Conferences on Stochastic Processes for a two years term, starting January 2010.

Sad news for our community. Erich L. Lehmann died on 12 September 2009. He was a Professor Emeritus of the University of California at Berkeley who made fundamental contributions to the theory of statistics. He was known to be a great mentor to young researchers in statistics. Erich L. Lehmann leaves a legacy of outstanding contributions to research, teaching and professional service recognized the world over. Obituray for Erich Lehmann by his family and Peter Bickel.

As for August 1st 2009, Ada van Krimpen is the new Director of ISI and the new Executive Secretary of Bernoulli Society.

Richard A. Davis (Columbia) has accepted to be the new Editor-in-Chief of Bernoulli Journal, instead of Holger Rootzen (Göterborg) who ends his three year term by December 2009.

Vicky Fasen and Robert Steltzer (Munich) are the new editors of Bernoulli News, ending their two year term Eric Cator (Delft) and Erik Van Zwet (Leiden).

The Bernoulli Society Council approved to keep for the year 2010 the same membership fees as for 2009.

A sad news for our community. Professor Kiyosi Ito passed away in November 2008. See the article "Kiyosi Itô Remembered" by Marck Yor in the Bernuolli News and see the articles about Kiyosi Itô on UNjobs.

ISI, the Bernoulli Society and the IMS introduced a joint membership option in 2006. A joint membership option for all ISI/BS/IMS members will be available at a rate of 139 Euros in the year 2009, which represents a considerable discount over the combined individual membership rates. This membership includes an electronic access to the Bernoulli Journal. Only existing qualified ISI members may apply for joint ISI/BS/IMS membership. If you are not an ISI member but would like information as to how you can become a member, please contact Ms. Liliana Pinkasovych (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). To register as an ISI/BS/IMS member, you can make use of the application form.

Following the negotiations which took place during 2007 involving the Bernoulli Society, the Editorial Board of the journal Stochastic Processes and Their Applications (SPA) and Elsevier, advantageous changes regarding publishing and pricing policy have been agreed upon.
Effective as of January 2008, the following will apply:
All 'ScienceDirect' subscribers to the journal will have access back to 1995. This change will take effect automatically in January 2008. The reduced "alternative subscription" to the Journal will provide the same ScienceDirect access as the "standard subscription", including the new access back to 1995.
All papers published from 2008 will be made freely available to all readers, whether subscribers or not, four years after publication, via ScienceDirect -- delayed Access.
Members of Bernoulli Society will continue to have free online access back to Volume 1, Issue 1 - a real benefit of Bernoulli Society membership. A low price print subscription is also available to members. More information can be obtained at the website of the Journal:

© Bernoulli Society